The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2052: She's real here, but he wants to see the photo?

Chapter 2052 She's Really Here, But He Wants To See The Photos?

There are no unbearable minor problems.

So living together is very harmonious.

Although the two houses upstairs and downstairs were opened, they did not deliberately clean up the house again, but still maintained the original layout and room layout.

However, I feel that the two are a home here, very warm, without any sense of dissonance.

It was nothing like the two houses were put together temporarily.

So, in the afternoon, Shi Guanzhong and Du Yizhen left very satisfied and dragged Shi Nancang away.

There is no comment on Han Zhuoling and Shi Xiaoya living together.

The three leave, Shi Xiaoya puts the dishes in the dishwasher.

"Don't be busy, wait for your aunt to come clean up tomorrow." Han Zhuo Ling said.

Did not let Shi Xiaoya continue.

Because they are not used to having someone else live in.

This makes it inconvenient whether the two are talking or chatting, or doing something more intimate.

For example, they usually like to watch TV in the living room.

Han Zhuo Ling was used to holding Shi Xiaoya in her arms like a pillow, and she rubbed her from time to time, determined to rub her from B to C.

And it's not intentional at all, it's completely subconscious behavior, and it will be done unconsciously.

If someone in the family suddenly comes out and sees it, it's not good.

Everyone is inconvenienced.

So simply, he did not let the aunt live here.

Just come here to clear up during the day.

Auntie couldn't make it over the weekend.

Shi Xiaoya still threw all the dishes in the dishwasher and said that she couldn't see the mess outside.

When Han Zhuo Ling saw it, he wiped the table with a cleaning cloth.

Shi Xiaoya was in the kitchen and looked out from the door, just to see that he was cleaning the table.

Shi Xiaoya is a little curious. I don't know if he has done this kind of work himself since he was a child.

Shi Xiaoya had nothing to do on her side, so she leaned against the door frame and looked at her head, smiling unconsciously at the corner of her mouth.

Like Han Zhuo Ling, there was a lot of life in it all at once, and the whole picture followed.

After seeing Han Zhuo Ling wipe out, Shi Xiaoya said, "Let's go back to the old house tomorrow?"

Han Zhuoling had no opinion on this, and only asked, "Why suddenly thought of going back to the old house?"

Shi Xiaoya came over. At this time, there were three thick albums on the decorative shelf next to the dining table. These were the three that Du Yichen brought.

When Du Yizhang left, Han Zhuo Ling asked if he could keep the three books. He hadn't seen enough.

Shi Xiaoya thought then, what else did he want to see?

She's real here, but he wants to see the photo?

However, Du Yichen still left the album.

Originally, Shi Guanzhong was unhappy.

Because he also wanted to look at his girlfriend's appearance when he was okay, and now the photo album was snatched by Han Zhuo Ling, is that ridiculous?

Besides, his beautiful little girl is Han Zhuoling, and Han Zhuoling even wants to grab a photo with him?

Is this ridiculous? !!

After clearly expressing her dissatisfaction in Shi Guan, and after not wanting to give the album to Han Zhuo Ling.

Du Yichen said, "This is just three of them. There are so many at home. You forgot how crazy you were when you were a young girl? You have to take pictures when she eats and drinks. If it weren't for me, I would pull her and you would shoot. "

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

Unexpectedly, Han Zhuo Ling looked at it.

(End of this chapter)

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