The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2055: Fate

Chapter 2055 Fate

"This is Zhuo Li." The old woman pointed at the shorter boy next to Han Zhuo Ling.

In fact, Shi Xiaoya has already recognized it. Although she looks childish and her facial features are not as open as they are now, she still can recognize them.

Next to Han Zhuoli, there was a small bean.

"This is Zhuofeng," said the old woman with a smile.

Han Zhuofeng's age is some distance from the two brothers, about the same as her and Lu Man.

So at that time, Han Zhuofeng naturally smiled exceptionally in the photos.

Shi Xiaoya was watching, her eyes widened suddenly, and she took a closer look at the photo.

"What's wrong?" Han Zhuo Ling asked her strangely, watching her response.

Shi Xiaoya pointed to the background of the photo, next to a little girl about the same size as Han Zhuofeng, "This is me!"

"What?" The old lady screamed in surprise. "Let me see, let me see, where is it?"

Shi Xiaoya pointed her out, "Here, this is me."

See the little girl in the background, wearing a small gauze skirt, dressed as a little princess.

"I'm sure I won't admit it, this is me." Shi Xiaoya said, "This skirt is still in my parents' home. Last year, my mother also showed it to me. Said this skirt It's too much like a doll, so I didn't want to throw it away, and kept it for me. I also said that I wore this beautiful when I was a kid. "

Shi Xiaoya said to the old lady and Han Zhuo Ling, "My mother also took out the photos to show me, and said that I loved wearing this skirt especially when I was a kid, and it turns out that a lot of photos are wearing this one."

"Oh, yes!" Shi Xiaoya clapped her hands and remembered, "I thought it was very fun to watch it at the time, so I took photos with my mobile phone and saved them. One of them seems to be in this playground, etc. I am searching."

Shi Xiaoya took out her mobile phone, found an album named "Childhood", and clicked out a photo to show them.

"Look, isn't this the case?" Shi Xiaoya said.

Han Zhuoling looked at it and smiled, "Really."

It's just that the shooting angle is different.

The pictures of the three brothers naturally took the three brothers as the main characters.

In the photos of Shi Xiaoya, of course, the main character is Shi Xiaoya.

Although the angles are different, it can be seen that the background is indeed the same.

It's just that their three brothers are to the left of Mickey, and Shi Xiaoya is to the right of the picture.

The phone can also be enlarged.

Han Zhuoling zoomed in the picture to see that, sure enough, there were three little people in the background.

Look at the standing position of the back, aren't they the three brothers?

Han Zhuoling only showed it to the old lady.

The old lady looked at it, sure enough!

"Ouch!" The old lady was surprised.

At this time, the old man came back from the outside in a daze, still holding a cage in his hand, with a parrot in the cage.

This is the bird that just came out and finished returning.

"Come, come and see!" The old lady was so happy that she beckoned to the old man.

"What's the matter? Happy to be like this." The old man gave the parrot cage to Sun Yaner and let her hang up.

After Sun Yan hung up, he opened the cage.

The parrot didn't run around, so it ran to the thin wooden pole to which it was specially placed and stood.

He combed his hair with his mouth, and moved it back and forth on the wooden pole. He was very happy playing.

"You look at this, it's a fate." The old lady said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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