The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2066: Her former son-in-law

Chapter 2066: Her Ex-Wife

"Ms. Xia, you, the Xia family is disgusted by the Han family, and they are in an embarrassing situation." Shi Xiaoya raised her eyebrows. "You can still appear on such occasions. Oh no, or in other words, someone will send you invitations ? "

Shi Xiaoya is not afraid of the Xia family at all.

Do not have to come forward.

The Xia family and the poet are old rivals, but the brothers and sisters of the poet are not as high-profile as other families.

Shi Nancang was gradually known because he took over the company instead of Shi Guanzhong in recent years.

Shi Xiaoya always does not like to participate in such exaggerated occasions, and is more willing to do what she likes.

Xia Yixin never cared about her business at home, but she only heard that there was a poet, and she didn't know anything else.

Therefore, even if Shi Xiaoya was standing in front of her, Xia Yixin did not know that this was the daughter of their old counterpart.

Besides, the poet and Xia family, even before the heyday of the Xia family, were just a draw with the poet.

Since the Xia family was beaten by the Han family, they can only survive for a long time, and many businesses have been snatched by poets.

Coupled with the relationship between Shi Xiaoya and Han Zhuo Ling, the Han family will also help the poet to divide up the business that originally belonged to the Xia family.

Now poets don't even take Xia's eyes seriously.

Therefore, there is no need for Han Zhuo Ling to support her, and Shi Xiaoya's self-assurance is already sufficient.

"You!" Xia Yixin all wanted to play poem Xiaoya.

She really got angry when she looked at Shi Xiaoya's eyebrows.

Because Shi Xiaoya raised her eyebrows so much like Han Zhuo Ling.

This must be how close and familiar they are before they can be influenced by him, even the casual expression is exactly the same!

She can see that Shi Xiaoya did not do it on purpose.

It was the casual habit that was assimilated by Han Zhuo Ling.

I think she hadn't done the same little moves as Han Zhuo Ling for so long with the couple.

But how long did Shi Xiaoya and Han Zhuo Ling look so similar?

If you did n’t know, she thought that Shi Xiaoya had been with Han Zhuo Ling before she divorced her.

and many more?

Before divorce?

A thought flashed through Xia Yixin's head.

It hasn't been well thought out and immature, but it is indeed a good idea.

Xia Yixin decided to go back and think about it.

But no matter what, Shi Xiaoya is not afraid.

She didn't suffer.

"Yi Xin." Xia Yixin's mother Cen Mengqing screamed not far and close, and came over at the same time.

Although the Xia family can't compare with before.

But Cen Mengqing has been one of the directors of this charity party many years ago.

Therefore, no matter what, the invitation letter is still with her.

Since Cen Mengqing is a director, it is naturally very simple to bring Xia Yixin over.

When Cen Mengqing came over and saw Shi Xiaoya, Cen Mengqing recognized it.

Not to recognize Shi Xiaoya as the poet's daughter, but to recognize her as Han Zhuo Ling's new girlfriend.

Shi Xiaoya and Han Zhuo Ling made it public, and kept on headlines for several days without saying.

Xia Yixin also specifically found Shi Xiaoya's photos to show Cen Mengqing, pointing at Shi Xiaoya's photos at home and cursing.

Shi Xiaoya's materials on the Internet did not mention the poet, so Cen Mengqing did not know.

Cen Mengqing naturally does not understand poetry Xiaoya.

No matter who Han Zhuoling falls in love with, she can't get used to it.

Han Zhuo Ling is her former son-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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