The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2076: That's called death

Chapter 2076 That Is Called Death

Xia Zhancheng knew this.

"What's the matter?" Xia Zhancheng asked Cen Mengqing at the first sight, "Yi Xin?"

Cen Mengqing said, "That poem Xiaoya actually sued Yixin for slander!"

Cen Mengqing is not good.

In addition to worrying about Xia Yixin, she also dared to sue Xia Yixin because of such a small person as Shi Xiaoya!

Isn't it because of Han Zhuoling?

The villain's awesome stuff!

Without Han Zhuoling, do you dare?

"What?" Xia Zhancheng saw Cen Mengqing go home and rushed to Xia Yixin's room.

He followed, "What slander? What did Yixin do?"

Cen Mengqing sighed and said, "Yi Xin is actually not convinced. Why was she, as Han Zhuo Ling's wife, treated so coldly by Han Zhuo Ling. But now Yi Xin is crowded out by the social circle, but Han Zhuo Ling is proud of finding another girl friend."

Xia Yixin's age is indeed much older than Shi Xiaoya.

"How long have they been divorced before Han Zhuo Ling has found a new one." Cen Mengqing herself felt unconvinced, why?

Isn't that just telling everyone that he didn't care about Xia Yixin at all?

Quickly find someone after divorce!

"That's all. Anyway, he will remarry sooner or later, our family can't stop it." Cen Mengqing has arrived in Xia Yixin's room.

"But he will find it. Who will show it to Tian Tianxiu's love? Why didn't I see this when I was with Yi Xin? Now I'm with Shi Xiaoya, I'm afraid that others don't know how good he is and how painful he is to Shi Xiaoya. Girlfriend-like. It seems that Yixin and our family are like a joke. "

"Now outsiders feel that he divorced Yi Xin, he has no responsibility at all. Otherwise, why is he good to Shi Xiaoya, but not good to Yi Xin? It must be Yi Xin's problem."

Ceng Mengqing breathed a few deep breaths, sneer, "No wonder Han Zhuoling was so successful in doing business. How clever! You can use this method to whitewash yourself. Yi Xin said so much before, all useless."

"I saw that Shi Xiaoya at the charity party today. The typical villain looks like a hero. I don't know if Han Zhuoling is using her. She is still complacent and consciously loves her."

Xia Zhancheng frowned and interrupted. "You said so much and didn't say what Yi Xin did, and Shi Xiaoya was going to sue her for slander."

Cen Mengqing said, "It's because I'm not convinced! Why do they want to bully our Xia family? Why can Han Zhuo Ling live so well, and find a little girl, we are now even better in social circles Anymore? "

"Because she is not convinced," Cen Mengqing pursed her lips and said, "So she asked someone to go to Shi Xiaoya's studio, and said that Shi Xiaoya had been a Primary Three before."

Xia Zhancheng frowned and asked, "What do you mean? Shi Xiaoya will sue her for libel, because it is nonsense and does not exist?"

"Yi Xin found a very outcast vixen in the street and deliberately made trouble. Of course it is not true, otherwise Shi Xiaoya would not sue Yi Xin for slander." Cen Mengqing said, "Now the police have taken that woman I grabbed it and took Yi Xin to the police station today. "

"Funny!" Xia Zhancheng breathed.

The Han family suppressed Xia family like this, and he was also angry.

But knowing that the opponent is not looking for something, that's called death!

(End of this chapter)

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