The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2081: They never lack

Chapter 2081 People Never Miss

"Mom, do you have a graduation photo of my college at that time? Lu Man said it was useful." Shi Xiaoya asked.

"Yes, yes." Du Yixi said quickly, "How can I give you?"

"Just take a picture with your phone and send it to WeChat." Shi Xiaoya said.

Du Yimin hung up the phone and immediately went to look for a photo.

I'm afraid that even one second later will have an impact on Shi Xiaoya.

Shi Xiaoya sent directly to Lu Man.

Han Zhuoli drove, Lu Man sat in the co-pilot, and began to contact to send this photo.

Instead of looking for "entertainment eight skins", she found an "ordinary netizen" with a humble name.

Five minutes later, an "ordinary netizen" broke the news.

"This is a graduation photo of my girlfriend. I found someone familiar with it. Is there a poetry Xiaoya who is very hot tonight?"

In the photo, Shi Xiaoya was also marked by a red circle.

Then, the netizen said, "Although I am an ordinary person, my girlfriend's family is very good. She graduated from Her Majesty's College. Her Majesty's school uniform is known to the whole world. It is unique and did not follow It's repetitive. So it's easy to recognize. And there are a few familiar faces in it that you can definitely recognize. "

All netizens saw that she really looked like Shi Xiaoya.

However, because it is a high school graduation photo, although everyone has a light makeup, it is not so obvious in the lens, and it is not much different from Su Yan.

At that time, Shi Xiaoya had not yet officially learned makeup, and naturally her technique was not as good as it is now.

It looked like she wasn't as pretty as she is now, but she could still see that it was her.

"Really Shi Xiaoya?"

"Will it look like it?"

"Studying at His Majesty's College, that home must be very good."

"I also heard that if you want to go to your university, it ’s not enough to have money at home. It ’s like an ordinary businessman, a starter, a rich overnight, and it is indeed rich, but other schools do n’t. You must have expertise, have Achievements, letters of recommendation, and connections. Your family must have known achievements and contributions in society. For example, charity, such as domestic and international visibility, such as the value of your family brand. "

"Yes, I have heard of it. And the recommendation letter is not just for anyone. The person who writes the recommendation letter must be recognized by His Majesty's College and is the top talent in the society. There are enrollments and recommendations in the eight major families. There is no need to say the quota for enrollment. The rest are like the big brothers who have promoted the development and convenience of our modern life. Let me give you an example. That is his level, everyone understands. "

"I understand."

"I just asked my girlfriend, she said that her classmate was indeed Shi Xiaoya. But Shi Xiaoya was very low-key. When I was at Her Majesty's College, everyone knew the family strength behind each other. But after graduation, Shi Xiaoya did not work in the family, she came out and started her own business. She never worked under the banner of the family, so except for her classmates and some people familiar with her family, outsiders did not know that she was actually from a large family.

"So to say, if it is Shi Xiaoya, then Shi Xiaoya's family is also very good."

"The family is so powerful, they really don't care about that little money, because they never lack it. It's even more ridiculous to give someone a junior and get a package."

(End of this chapter)

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