The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2084: What way to go

Chapter 2084: What Way To Go

Soon after Lu Man's explanation, Shi Nancang also arrived.

He had a card and went straight up.

I was anxious when I entered the door.

When I saw Han Zhuoli and Lu Man, I took a moment to stun, and the anger went down.

It can be seen that Han Zhuoling still values ​​it.

I asked Han Zhuo Li and Lu Man to resolve this matter.

"Brother." Shi Xiaoya called, and asked Shi Nancang to come and sit.

A clean tea cup was prepared for him on the coffee table.

When he sat down, Shi Xiaoya poured him a cup of tea first.

Seeing that the Han family attached so much importance, in the evening, Han Zhuoli and Lu Man also rushed over here.

Shi Nancang lost all his temper.

Lu Man told Shi Nancang about the progress of the solution.

"By the way, I haven't had time to ask just now." Lu Man said, "Xiaoya, you haven't disclosed the situation of your home in recent years. Would you mind publicizing it now?"

"Actually, publicly you are from a poet, and this matter is simple to solve." Lu Man said.

"I don't mind." Shi Xiaoya said with a smile, "I have been in love with Zhuo Ling, and have made it public. It's not bad to disclose my family's affairs. It hasn't been made public before, but it's not deliberately concealed. It's not Just say it. "

Lu Man nodded. "I see."

Shi Nancang asked, "I'll go online now."

"Don't worry," Lu Man said. "It's not time yet. The graduation photo has already come out. Now you need to draw most of your attention and push the heat to a highest point."

After Lu Man finished speaking, he opened Weibo again and murmured, "It should be about the same time, it's time."

I don't know what she was looking for, but several others followed Weibo.

Needless to say Lu Man, naturally you know what Lu Man is looking for.

Because there are new topics.

Some people claim to be Shi Xiaoya's classmate, saying that Shi Xiaoya did not graduate from His Majesty's Academy at all, or the third high school in B city, an ordinary high school graduate.

Shi Nancang was surprised, "Lu Man, this is the person you are looking for?"

"No, this is what the other party is looking for." Lu Man said, "If the other party's bottom line is low enough or there is no bottom line, this will come out."

"I was waiting just now to give the other party time to see how the other party would react so that I could know what the other party was going." Lu Man said.

"What if the other party didn't use this trick for a long time?" Shi Nancang asked.

Lu Man smiled and shook his head. "It doesn't take long to wait, it also has a time limit. You must respond as soon as possible, or after the rhythm is brought to me, the other party will be too late to try to get back. So if he wants to do anything Must respond within a short period of time. "

Lu Man glanced at the phone. "Now I know."

"Wait a moment," Lu Man said, and then used his cell phone to contact people.

Soon, someone posted a photo comparison online.

Check if it is processed.

The result is of course not.

This graduation photo is indeed true.

And a few of them are still some of the more famous rich second generations who often show up at night.

Entertainment Bapi: "The photos are authentic, the following are the results of the identification. Students who don't understand, it doesn't matter, you will see a video of the identification process later, you will understand. Now we look at this photo Who is there. The order is from left to right, from bottom to top. "

(End of this chapter)

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