The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2096: public

Chapter 2096 Open

"Also, I can care nothing when I am myself. But with you now, I can't let you also be stigmatized by Xia Yixin arbitrarily." Han Zhuo Ling said.

"You don't have to worry, this is nothing to me at all." Han Zhuo Ling said, "Ben didn't care about this."

After speaking, Han Zhuoling said to Lu Man again, "I'm very sure. I want to announce it."

Lu Man really felt that his elder brother was very responsible.

This is really completely out of my girlfriend.

In fact, if Han Zhuo Ling didn't announce, even if Xia Yixin would talk nonsense at that time, there would still be a way to fight back.

And she doesn't necessarily say anything.

Maybe this time, I was scared.

Han Zhuoling is now proactively announcing the reason. The difference is that they proactively announce that they are taking the initiative. Not announced, is waiting for Xia Yixin to attack.

Lu Man secretly felt that if Han Zhuo Ling remarried, he would likely become a wife and slave.

The image of wife and slave cannot be put together with Han Zhuo Ling, no matter how.

At least Lu Man can't imagine it now, but just feel that Han Zhuo Ling will become like this.

She looks forward to what Han Zhuoling will look like when she becomes a wife-slave.

"If the elder brother makes a decision, let's settle the matter today." Lu Man said, "brother you write the manuscript first, you don't need more, just a hundred words, just a simple explanation. "

Han Zhuo Ling nodded and went to take the mobile editor.

Lu Man began to contact.

Not long after, some news on the Internet that Xia Yixin was taken to the police station began to appear on the Internet tonight.

Netizens began to guess whether Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya called the police and told Xia Yixin.

At the same time, it was also speculated that Shi Xiaoya was involved in the marriage of Han Zhuo Ling and Xia Yixin.

"Although Han Zhuo Ling and Xia Yixin were abroad, it was impossible for them to interact with Shi Xiaoya. But eventually they returned. Divorce shortly after returning to China, or it may be because Han Zhuo Ling met Shi Xiaoya after returning to China. The two developed, Han Zhuo Ling Divorced Xia Yixin. This is not impossible. "

"But I heard that Han Zhuo Ling would divorce, and the fault was Xia Yixin."

"The upstairs is too naive. Of course, this right to speak is in the hands of the party with greater power."

When Lu Man saw this, he said, "Yes, brother, you can say it. First of all, it is the middle-aged woman that Xia Yixin instructed to come to slander Xiaoya, it is the police you go to report, and then tell the truth about the divorce. can."

Han Zhuoling nodded and sent the edited words out.

Han Zhuo Ling: "1. When the video happened, we immediately called the police. After investigation by the police, we finally found Xia Yixin's head. Xia Yixin would be taken away by the police, indeed because she instructed the middle-aged woman to defile Xiaoya. I told Xiaoya Sue her for libel. "

"2, Xiaoya has never intervened in my marriage with Xia Yixin from beginning to end. The reason why we divorce is because someone is involved, but it is Xia Yixin's side. Xia Yixin derailed her marriage, and also gave birth to a child for love. Put the Han family name on it. Therefore, I will divorce Xia Yixin. Xiaoya was only known after I divorced Xia Yixin. "

"Sometimes after the divorce, Xia Yixin spread the truth about our divorce everywhere. I never spoke. I think the divorce has been divorced and I have nothing to do with her since then. But she has now attacked Xiao Yatou On the other hand, Xiaoya and her family caused a lot of trouble. "

8 is more complete, the penultimate day of the double monthly pass event will end tomorrow ~

Ask for a monthly ticket and the vote will automatically double up ~~

Good night ~~

(End of this chapter)

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