The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2098: The cold and overbearing presidential design is gone

Chapter 2098 Almost Cold and Domineering Presidential Design Is Missing

"The explanation is that Shi Xiaoya has been waiting for him. Don't embarrass yourself with the scum that you encountered before. This is the scum's fault, not your fault."

"Emma, ​​the more I think, the more Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiao Ya are well matched! Otherwise, they will not meet. In this way, there is a kind of divorce just to meet Shi Xiao Ya and Shi Xiao Ya is just waiting for Han Zhuo Ling's feeling, so romantic. "

Shi Xiaoya did not expect that netizens made such a positive comment on Han Zhuo Ling's disclosure of the reason for his divorce.

No one laughed at Han Zhuoling, no one saw his excitement, and took it as a pleasure.

Instead, they all gave high marks because of the role of Zhuo Han.

Incidentally, the romance of the two was cast a layer of romance by everyone.

Shi Xiaoya turned to look at Han Zhuo Ling.

Han Zhuo Ling slightly lip, "So moved?"

Shi Xiaoya nodded very honestly and didn't hide anything.

At this time, Han Zhuo Ling was very disgusted with Han Zhuo Li, Lu Man and Shi Nancang.

He couldn't do anything because the three of them were here.

Otherwise, he can kiss Shi Xiaoya.

Shi Xiaoya didn't know what Han Zhuo Ling was thinking at this time.

She just felt that she could not let Han Zhuoling alone.

Han Zhuo Ling has stated her attitude publicly, and she can't pretend to die, saying nothing.

Shi Xiaoya thought about it, and forwarded the statement from Han Zhuo Ling, organized the wording, deleted it, and finally issued it: "Pride, moved, this is the best boyfriend in the legend."

Shi Xiaoya's words were obviously more lively.

Let the original seem a bit serious, immediately become relaxed and lively.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I seem to see both my husband and his wife's eyesight. Han Zhuo Ling was very serious there, a serious, Shi Xiaoya moved beside."

"The brain fills the picture. Han Zhuoling is thinking, Shi Xiaoya is jumping around. Han Zhuo Ling turned her head to look, Shi Xiaoya: Do not dare to move."

"Ah, ah, Shi Xiaoya, I envy you so much, how can there be such a good boyfriend like Han Zhuo Ling."

Originally insulted by inexplicable things, Shi Xiaoya was kind of depressed.

However, with this statement from Han Zhuo Ling and the trouble of netizens, Shi Xiaoya's mood improved a lot.

I'm still joking at the moment.

I casually picked this netizen and responded, "This is the only one, and there is no semicolon. It is probably a great thing I did in my life."

This reply from Shi Xiaoya was immediately popular.

Messages followed, "Ha ha ha ha ha, this suspicion has gone beyond the screen!"

"Han Zhuo Ling's personality is relatively heavy, Shi Xiaoya is lively, just complementary, so good."

Han Zhuoling looked at these comments and felt better.

It's not too tiring to praise comments like theirs that match well.

Shi Xiaoya watched Han Zhuo Ling's praise aside, and she was still laughing.

Netizens are crazy because of Han Zhuoling's likes.

"Han Zhuoling liked me!"

"Just because I praised him for being a good match with Shi Xiaoya, he praised me."

"I went and I found out that he liked all the comments that praised him and Shi Xiaoya."

"The cold and domineering presidential design is gone."

"Like all that Kua and Shi Xiaoya did, why are you so cute all of a sudden!"

(End of this chapter)

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