Reference 2115

She gritted her teeth and put her forehead directly on the pavement. "I've given you a hoe, please, I'll give you a hoe!"

As Cen Mengqing said, she really looked up.

However, she loves herself.

Although his forehead is stuck on the road.

But every time I approached the road, I always consciously slowed down, and then stuck it gently.

Later, the palm quietly moved to the middle.

In this way, every time the forehead is dropped, it is actually on the back of the hand.

It really doesn't hurt at all.

Xia Zhancheng saw that Cen Mengqing was even clever at this time, when no one could see.

Xia Zhanchengqi is dumb.

Might as well not take her!

Do some counter-effects!

"Mr. Han." Xia Zhancheng had to speak quickly, never to speak again, Cen Mengqing didn't know what to do.

"Anyway, we are both elders. Now that we have lowered our body and come to ask you, can't you forgive us? How can you deal with Xia Yixin at your will, these are all she did, even my wife I was deceived by Xia Yixin. My wife may not be considered innocent, but much better than Xia Yixin. "

"Xia Yixin has been punished. Can you just let go of our house?"

At this moment, Shi Xiaoya rushed out of security to find Cen Mengqing.

For a person who insists on kneeling, it is a bit difficult to pull her up.

It took a lot of effort for the two security guards to pull her up.

Han Zhuo Ling also picked up the phone and called the police.

"I don't know if you are disturbing the order." Han Zhuo Ling released the police report and dropped his mobile phone. "Anyway, let the police come first."

After speaking, Han Zhuo Ling stopped talking.

The police came quickly and arrived in two or three minutes.

"These two guys have been entangled with me and my girlfriend here. I was afraid my girlfriend would be injured and let her go into the advanced office building. I'm waiting here," Han Zhuo Ling explained.

The rest of the security guards at the scene also said, "Yes, we all saw them. They have been making a lot of noise and nonsense at the door of our office building. And they have attracted so many onlookers and almost blocked the office building door . No one working in the office in this office can come in. Pull them and let them go. "

The police in this area were very familiar with Xia Zhancheng, and then someone recognized Han Zhuo Ling, and suddenly remembered who Xia Zhancheng was.

Then he said to Xia Zhancheng and Cen Mengqing, "You are also people with heads and faces. How can you slap in the street?"

Xia Zhancheng's face was flushed. Today, he lost such a big face, although there was an intentional component in it, but he failed to let Han Zhuoling relax, and his face was lost.

In fact, he didn't want to think about, who is Han Zhuoling, would he bow his head because of his mischief?

Although younger than Xia Zhancheng, Han Zhuo Ling has seen every scene.

There are rivals in the business field, not to mention shameless ones.

Wouldn't you be afraid of this little trick.

"Xia's home is over, if you still want to come to Xiaoya, you can try it." Han Zhuo Ling said coldly, "The more you find her, the faster and more thorough your house is. We are not afraid of you coming to harass. Presumably, you have no effort to harass and disturb. "

After that, Han Zhuo Ling left.

(End of this chapter)

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