The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2118: Also miserable

Chapter 2118: Misfortune

The onlookers took out their phones to record their ridiculous pranks and uploaded them to the Internet.

Cen Mengqing was thinking of being an elder, kneeling and hoeing the junior, no matter what, Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya should be condemned.

However, I did not expect that the statement of truth about the cause of divorce previously issued by Han Zhuo Ling was too powerful.

Netizens hate Xia Yixin.

So even when Cen Mengqing saw Han Zhuoling kneeling and hoeing, no one scolded him, but instead scolded Cen Mengqing in the whole area.

At the same time, there are sharp-eyed netizens who see from the video that Cen Mengqing is not a gimmick at all, it is directly hit on the back of his hand.

In addition, it was also filmed in the video. What she said and said was to bring Shi Xiaoya.

Where is this to admit mistakes, this is what I want to pit for another poem Xiaoya.

Netizens were unwilling immediately, all of them scolded Xia Zhancheng and Cen Mengqing.

"If you want to apologize, show your sincerity. Like you, you say apology, but you are actually doing the opposite, and you want to forgive you? It should be Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya.

Netizens all have such an opinion.

Therefore, Cen Mengqing once again stole chickens without counter-etching rice.

Until now, the Xia family has declared bankruptcy.

Coupled with the previous influence, things are continuing to ferment.

When netizens saw that the Xia family declared bankruptcy, although it was not to the extent that the whole world was celebrating, there was not much sympathy and regret.

"I don't know how Xia Zhancheng is. But Xia Yixin and Cen Mengqing have found themselves like this, and they asked for it."

The results of the investigation came out long ago, and Xia Yixin was the one who slandered Shi Xiaoya.

But when the video was posted online that night, Xia Yixin was under investigation in the police station, so it was impossible for her to make it public.

Who else besides Xia Yixin?

From the apology statement sent by Lu Chao before, and Xia Zhancheng and Cen Mengqing uploaded by netizens to Shi Xiaoya to work downstairs to block them, kneeling down and apologizing.

Everything Cen Mengqing said was clear.

That's Cen Mengqing.

The mother and daughter are really bad together.

And the bad ways are all so consistent.

Xia's bankruptcy.

As a result, Xia Yixin and Cen Mengqing lost their proud family history, and many people applauded.

But some people regret for Xia Zhancheng, "Unfamiliar with Xia Zhancheng, it is indispensable for businessmen to profit. But at least in other fields outside of business, I haven't heard of any negative news from Xia Zhancheng. As a result, this was done by his wife and daughter. Xia Jiaxin All the hard-earned foundations were ruined. Xia Zhancheng is miserable. "

"As the saying goes, wives and wives have less trouble."

Cen Mengqing knew that there would be no good words on the Internet, but she couldn't help but glance at it.

Seeing this, she felt uncomfortable.

However, these netizens are right!

It was her fault with Xia Yixin, but the entire Xia family was responsible for it.

Because of the difficult situation of the Xia family now, where else can I hire a lawyer for Xia Yixin?

Of course, if they really want to please, they can really afford it.

Although the Xia family went bankrupt, they did not live so far.

Not as beautiful as before, but in the end the camel was thinner than a horse.

At least the lawyer can afford it.

But now both Xia Zhancheng and Cen Mengqing have resentment against Xia Yixin.

The rundown of the Xia family began with Xia Yixin and finally Xia Yixin.

6 is more complete, good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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