The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2133: She's going to suffer like this

Chapter 2133: She Wants To Lose

"I went down to find her and couldn't let her keep talking downstairs." Jiang Yujie said, "That's a rogue vixen! Anyway, she doesn't need to work, you believe it or not, if I don't go down, she can talk downstairs one day!"

"Don't go down, she won't let you go." Mother Jiang advised, "Let's close the door, regardless of her! Today, tomorrow, as long as she comes, we won't go out at home! She even counts up Knocking on the door, we don't open it. Anyway, we have everything at home, so we are not affected even if we don't go out. "

"You know you can't let her say that all the time, do you know that you care about reputation?" Jiang father pointed at Jiang Yujie. "Then why do you have to do this!"

"You just don't believe me," Jiang Yujie said lightly. "It's like you didn't believe me at the beginning."

"You ..." Father Jiang pointed his fingers tremblingly at Jiang Yujie. "You still said you don't blame me?"

"Do you think it was uncomfortable for your brother to go to jail at the beginning? But it is because our bottom people are powerless!" Father Jiang said in pain. "That is also my son. He has excellent skills from a small scale, so excellent! I will not Are you sad? "

"Sadness is one thing. What I said is that you have never believed that Brother was wronged." Jiang Yujie said.

"How do I believe it? The evidence is there!" Jiang Father said.

"We are your children. You grew up watching. You should believe in our character. Even if we don't say anything, you should believe in us. What we need is more than just finding a lawyer. Material support. What we value more is that you can trust us. "

Jiang Yujie took a deep breath, "You can trust us no matter what outsiders say. You are our closest friends. You also know us better than those outsiders, and are the ones who know us best in this world."

"But you don't believe us." Jiang Yujie said, "Even if the whole world doesn't believe us, you can't!"

"Brother is in jail, thinking nothing else, but you don't believe him. In your eyes, he is a person who can accept bribes." Jiang Yujie sucked his nose, "Don't tell me any evidence."

"Even if the evidence is in front of me, as long as I deny it, I trust him."

Father Jiang looked at Jiang Yujie deeply and said, "So, now you are telling me that although the woman was found and screamed downstairs, we must believe in you."

Jiang Yujie didn't speak.

"So this time, you were wronged?" Jiang Father asked again.

Jiang Yujie shook his head and said, "How is that? Really, I really became the love of her husband. But, I have my reason, it has nothing to do with what you think, and has nothing to do with everyone. . "

"I don't do it for money, not for the benefit of the public."

"What is it for, you say it!" Jiang mother anxiously.

Jiang Yujie didn't speak.

Father Jiang said, "While you said that we believe in you, you refused to tell us why, how did you let us believe it! Have you ever thought about it for us!"

Jiang Yujie smiled, and Xia Qingyang screamed in his ear again.

Jiang Yujie turned cold.

Before Jiang's father and mother Jiang had time to stop, she had already left.

Mother Jiang hurriedly said, "Hurry up! Follow her fast! She's going to suffer like this. That woman, at first sight, is a vixen, and won't just move her mouth with Yu Jie."

(End of this chapter)

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