The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2143: Deliberately did not fight back

Chapter 2143: Unintentional Failure

When Xia Qingyang made a big noise about Jiang Yujie, he had the upper hand, because the people sent by Lu Man had not been able to arrive.

After all, Lu Man knew that time would never be faster than Xia Qingyang.

That was also judged based on Xia Qingyang's direction of travel.

Waiting for the road to find someone in the past, certainly not as fast as Xia Qingyang.

Fortunately, it has arrived.

At the last moment, he took the rhythm and talked about Xia Qingyang and Lu Qi's broken things. As soon as they got mixed up, they were distracted, and they didn't focus all their attention on Jiang Yujie.

So this time, after the matter was resolved, Jiang Yujie didn't even go to the court to sue Lu Qiyuan for the first time.

But first contacted Lu Man and thanked her.

"It's nothing," said Lu Man. "How are you? I heard Xia Qingyang started to do it for you."

Jiang Yujie's face hit by Xia Qingyang was swollen, and she didn't dare to laugh at this moment. She just hurt her by pulling her lips a little.

I wanted to smile, but now I can't smile.

With a careful movement of the corner of his mouth, he said, "I deliberately failed to fight back and let her fight. Only in this way will Lu Qiyuan see me more deeply and annoy her more."

After all, she now has the advantage of looking good.

Xia Qingyang had long lost her best time, and she was older and her appearance was also discounted.

Lu Qiyuan just looked at his face and knew which one to distress.

Now that we have reached this point, there is nothing to persuade Lu Man.

Knowing Jiang Yujie's plan, he hung up.

Jiang Yujie hung up the phone and lingered for a while.

It took me a while to call the manager of their secretary's office, saying that if they wanted to take a leave today, they would not go.

The work scheduled yesterday was placed on the table, so that people could pick it up.

Although Jiang Yujie is Lu Qiyuan's assistant, she belongs to the secretary's office.

Jiang Yujie didn't call Lu Qiyuan directly, just to make himself clear.

The more so, the more Lu Qiyuan liked her.

Moreover, she directly called Lu Qiyuan for leave, and Lu Qiyuan would definitely ask her why.

Regardless of whether she said it directly or babbled, she was finally "forced to ask" by Lu Qiyuan.

When Lu Qiyuan came back to Weier afterwards, she would surely think she was just to sue.

Even though Lu Qiyuan was really angry with Xia Qingyang, she would be dissatisfied with her.

Such a complaint is divorced.

Jiang Yujie is very clever, and in order to bring Lu Qiyuan to justice and return her brother to justice, she must be careful and must not take the wrong step!

You must hold Lu Qiyuan firmly in your hands!

Therefore, she cannot directly ask for leave with Lu Qiyuan.

Asking for leave with the manager of the secretary's office, Lu Qiyuan can't see her, and she will ask the same. At that time, the manager will say that she is asking for leave, and the effect is better.

Jiang Yujie figured it all out.

He recuperated at home.

She did not leave the bedroom, and for the time being she did not want to face her parents' questions.

She couldn't say why she did it now because she was afraid they would stop her.

You have to wait until something comes to fruition.


Xia Qingyang came to Luchi with Lu Qi, and Xia Qingyang rushed directly to the floor where Lu Qiyuan's office was located.

The two originally arrived early and waited for a while downstairs.

When it was time to go to work, everyone was in the company, and the two entered the company.

Rushing all the way out of Lu Qiyuan's office, Xia Qingyang raised his voice and shouted, "Where is Jiang Yujie! Let Jiang Yujie come out!"

(End of this chapter)

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