The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2148: Then divorce

Chapter 2148 Divorce Well

Xia Qingyang's instinct was not boring.

She didn't know what Xia Qingwei was in the beginning.

But now she is really angry!

"You believe what she said," Xia Qingyang said with gritted teeth.

"Even if she lied to me, I would take control of her and not let her threaten your status. After all, I had already been there once." Lu Qiyuan mocked her, "I won't let myself Once again. "

Xia Qing's chest hurts.

He even said that marrying her was fooled!

He didn't say that before.

He didn't know how happy he was to marry her before.

"Okay!" Xia Qing's cheeks twitched, and the facial features were twisted. "Now that there are new people, I think it's fooled to marry me."

"If I still let you be together, being a famous Mrs. Lu, it would be me stupid! You can do it for her now, not even home. How long have you been together, she can tie you so Jail. Wait a long time, and you're afraid you've forgotten what you said now! You can't let her replace me? "

What a foul virtue Lu Qiyuan was, she knew too well.

It was because he was too clear that he was able to hook him up that year and squeezed Xia Qingwei.

Looking at Jiang Yujie's routine, it seems that he has also figured out Lu Qiyuan's character.

She really underestimated Jiang Yujie.

How long before I came to the company, I found out the road Qiyuan.

Lu Qiyuan sneered, "Why don't you go home when you are? You have to figure out that I don't like to go home first, so I'm with Jiang Yujie. Before Jiang Yujie, I never thought of going outside. Find someone. It's you who have always been suspicious, holding things I haven't done to blame me, doubting me. "

"Just quarrel with me as soon as I get home. I don't want to be a little clean. I don't want to quarrel with you. It's still a bit rude. I don't want to hear anything you say." Lu Qiyuan spread his hands, "Well, then I won't say it. Isn't it OK if I don't go home? If you don't want to clean me up, I'll go out and find myself."

"I would rather live alone than go back and listen to you screaming." Lu Qiyuan said, "You blame me for not going home, but you never want to think, why don't I go home, you don't look for yourself Responsibility is always wrong. "

"Just when I was the loneliest, I saw Yu Jie's good. It has nothing to do with whether she is young and beautiful. At my age, I don't care what young and beautiful it is, what I care about is a heart."

"You fart!" Xia Qingyang didn't believe his gossip!

Lu Qiyuan pursed his lips and sneered, "Yu Jie is gentle and considerate, and never screams at you like you, yelling at me. Always puts me first and thinks for me. I never need to worry about things at home Angry. She can give me warmth, calm me, and make me really relax after my busy exhaustion. "

"Compared to the time you were at home with you and listening to your hysterical yells every day, what she gave me is heaven." Lu Qiyuan said.

"So, you want me to break up with her and go back to live with you every day, it's impossible!" Lu Qiyuan said.

"Okay." Xia Qingyang wasn't afraid at all. "If you don't agree, then divorce is fine. I don't need Jiang Yujie to think for me, and say that I'm old and I can't live after divorce. Need her so noble. "

6 more comprehensive, please ask for a monthly pass ~

Good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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