The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2150: Don't even think about it

Chapter 2150: They Don't Think About It

Couldn't Xia Qingyang take advantage of it to exchange terms with Lu Qiyuan?

He gave her what she wanted, and she gave him a cleanness!

Otherwise come to the company every day, there is also Lu Qiyuan very happy!

But these, Xia Qingyang never thought about it!

At this moment, it was Lu Qiqi's heartache.

The palm of your hand is pressing your heart, and your fingers are clasping your heart.

Breathe continuously and deeply to restrain yourself and not scream.

But Xia Qingyang didn't realize Lu Qi's anger, and said proudly and confidently, "What are you afraid of? The evidence is in my hands. As I said to him just now, he is the wrong party. Or, reconcile privately, he Meet my conditions. Or we'll see you in court. "

"If he goes to court, he won't be able to escape so easily," Xia Qingyang said confidently. "Apart from losing his family and going out of the house, you have to take his flesh and blood and make him hurt!"

"Make him arrogant, I really think I can't help him." Xia Qingyang sneered. "You can rest assured that I will never let him get a little benefit from that fox spirit. They don't even think about it!"

Lu Qi felt tired, closed her eyes, and sighed longly, saying, "Even if you go to the court, you can't get him out of the house. At most you will be awarded some money. As long as the company is in, yes He has no influence. But we have not yet transferred the property of his company. As soon as you divorce, we are forced to stop. "

The He family could no longer benefit, and did not know what the reaction would be.

In particular, she is no longer a favored little daughter. If Jiang Yujie gave birth to a child and a half daughter, Lu Qiyuan's property would probably be inherited by Jiang Yujie and her children.

Nothing about her.

No benefit from her, what happens to He Zhengbai?

Lu Qi knew very well that He Zhengbai would abandon Lu Man that year because he felt that Lu Man had no use value.

Although she knows this, she is still with He Zhengbai, all because of this confidence, after all, everything of the Lu family will be her.

She and He Zhengbai are in a position of equality and mutual benefit, and they can make use of each other.

So she didn't care what He Zhengbai valued more.

Anyway, he valued it, she had it.

But once Xia Qingyang divorced Lu Qiyuan, everything changed.

Even if Lu Qiyuan was older, Jiang Yujie could no longer get pregnant.

As long as Jiang Yujie has a way to tie Lu Qiyuan's heart firmly, future property will be the first to be inherited by Jiang Yujie.

Lu Qi clanged in her heart.

Counting it out, you can't get any benefit by yourself.

In this case, where will He Zhengbai be with her.

However, He Zhengbai does not need her, she also needs the He family!

She cannot be abandoned by the He family!

She has paid too much to the He family.

"Then the rest, aren't all cheap Jiang Yujie's cheap guy?" Lu Qi reminded.

However, this reminded Xia Qingyang, "Yes, you asked He Zhengbai for help. Where did the transferred property go? It was in your name."

Lu Qi flashed her eyes and said, "Of course, I'm not stupid. I don't put it in my name. How can I rest assured."

"That's good." Xia Qingyang nodded. "When I'm divorced, we still have to rely on those."

Well, this is back to divorce.

As soon as she mentioned this, Lu Qi was angry.

(End of this chapter)

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