The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2161: condition

Chapter 2161 Conditions

"Rest assured, I just say it, just to let you know, I'm not a fool, I know what you do, just I don't say it. Don't think that you are a godless god, and then laugh at me in the back."

"I didn't mean to threaten you. Anyway, the three of us are tied together." Xia Qingyang said.

Having said all this, He Zhengbai asked in a deep voice, "What conditions do you have?"

"The conditions I mentioned are actually very simple."

Xia Qingyang looked at He Zhengbai, licked his dry lips, and took a deep breath. "Before I went in, you got married with Lu Qi."

"You can make up the wedding later. But you must get a certificate first." Xia Qingyang said.

Lu Qi looked at Xia Qingyang in surprise, but did not expect that she would make such a request.

Lu Qi was really surprised.

Just after saying that Xia Qingyang was not impulsive in doing things, she would succeed.

Xia Qingyang gave her such a big surprise.

What she was most afraid of now was that she had no interest worthy of He Zhengbai's care, and she could no longer support her and make He Zhengbai jealous.

Not to mention marrying He Zhengbai, He Zhengbai is afraid to break up with her as soon as possible.

With the exchange of conditions proposed by Xia Qingyang, Lu Qi was relieved.

"It's quick to get a certificate, and it doesn't take much time." Xia Qingyang said, "Just today, you go to get the card today, and I will immediately take all the charges."

"I am a daughter like Lu Qi, and it is my willingness to confess Lu Qi. Why can I blame you? Haven't you profited from it before? If you want me to blame you, I must pay something." Xia Qingyang Leng Say.

"After I went in, Lu Qi was alone outside, and I couldn't rest assured of her." Xia Qingyang said, "You get married, and you take good care of her. Lu Qi's career hasn't improved since it was wounded. Since your He family took it from us before With so many benefits, far more than the investment in Lu Qi. So from that money, take out some money to invest in Lu Qi and let her come back. It's okay. "

"I have these two conditions." Xia Qingyang said calmly, "You promised, you will go and get the card today, I will say nothing, and get everything down."

"Otherwise, it would be a big deal for us to die. Anyway, it was Lu Qi who wanted to plead guilty. Then how can we judge the three of us?"

He Zhengbai took a deep breath and spit it out again, still thinking about it.

Lu Qi watched, her heart tightened.

He Zhengbai said to her before, as long as he could coax Xia Qingyang to plead guilty, he would marry her immediately.

This is obviously a good thing. Why did Xia Qingyang hesitate when he proposed this condition?

Lu Qi knew immediately that she was cheated.

He Zhengbai coaxed her before!

If Xia Qingyang didn't mention this condition, he would commit sin.

And she had nothing, He Zhengbai would never marry her.

Lu Qi stared sharply at He Zhengbai.

He Zhengbai finally said, "OK, I promise."

"Okay, then I'll wait here," Xia Qingyang said, "I'll be relieved when you come back with your marriage certificate."

He Zhengbai did not expect that he always felt that Xia Qingyang was stupid. At this time, Xia Qingyang was so shrewd.

No way, he already had to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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