The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2167: you believe

Chapter 2167 You Believe

Although Xia Qingyang was not a good thing, he said nothing to Lu Qi.

Lu Man couldn't help thinking that she had gone to jail in her last life.

In this life, He Zhengbai and Lu Qi also joined forces to frame her, but failed.

However, after a few years, it turned out that the two teamed up to let Xia Qing fail to plead guilty.

Say that destiny is different, but it is similar.

Someone will always blame them.

In her last life, she spent eight years in prison.

In this life, he changed to Xia Qingyang and went to prison for six years.

Although it is two years less, Lu Man still feels that some things may really be inevitable.

Someone gets rid of fate, then this fate may fall on others.

Lu Man suddenly felt a little scared. She seemed to change the fate of many people, but she wondered if fate would be reproduced in another form?

Fortunately, at least this fate does not have to fall on a fixed person.

Lu Man thought, in her last life, she was in prison.

She was fine in this life, and replaced Xia Qingyang in jail.

In the last life, Xia Qingyang and Lu Qiyuan did not say that there is love, but they have also been in harmony. At least when she died, Xia Qingyang and Lu Qiyuan had no problems in their marriage.

Xia Qingwei died alone.

However, in this life, Xia Qingyang and Lu Qiyuan turned against each other and separated. Xia Qing was not with Wang Juhuai, and there was Wang Yijun.

Xia Qingyang broke up with Lu Qiyuan and was alone.

It seems that some things will happen to others if they don't happen to themselves.

"What do you want?"

Lu Man thought and thought, he couldn't help thinking.

Even Han Zhuoli talked to her just now, but she didn't hear it.

Han Zhuoli called her several times before she returned to her senses.

"What's wrong with you?" Han Zhuo Li asked her, "Where is it uncomfortable?"

Lu Man shook his head, "I just think ... the world is impermanent. I didn't expect Xia Qingyang to end up like this."

Being pitted by others and being kissed by his own daughter is not the same.

There is a kind of road, it is Xia Qingyang's life instead of feeling the guilt to Lu Qi.

As if Lu Qi hit a jail time, she must find someone to blame.

No matter who it is.

She was her last life.

Xia Qingyang's turn was her turn in this life.

"Zhuoli." Lu Man's heart moved.

"Huh?" Han Zhuo Li looked at her.

"Do you believe that there is such a thing as a lifetime?" Lu Man asked.

Han Zhuo Li looked at her with a smile, "Why did you suddenly think of this problem?"

Lu Man shook his head, "You answer me. Believe it or not, people can live again. Or, can they remember what happened in their last lives?"

Han Zhuo Li laughed: "Letter."

Lu Man was surprised, "You take it seriously!"

"I didn't mean to coax you." Han Zhuo Li made a serious face and let Lu Man see that he wasn't talking about fun. "Isn't there also a living Buddha reincarnation? The previous generation of the living Buddha will calculate the approximate position of his reincarnation. After death, people will Will look for his reincarnation. "

"There are also many examples from around the world that prove that someone can indeed remember their past life." Han Zhuoli said, "And if these are far away from us and cannot be determined, then take the eight major families."

"I told you before that the eight major families judged the heirs of their homeowners by their awakening ability. Although our ability like this is not so exaggerated as super power, it is not owned by ordinary people," Han Zhuoli said.

(End of this chapter)

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