The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2169: Why did I go?

Chapter 2169 Why Did I Go?

"So, you said you've died in your last life?" Han Zhuo Li asked, "No, you shouldn't ask that. Everyone is old and sick."

Han Zhuo paused and asked, "You didn't die naturally?"

He was not relieved.

Even in the last life, Han Zhuoli could not stand it.

He didn't doubt Lu Man's words at all, because he knew that Lu Man was telling the truth.

Even if he didn't use his abilities, he knew that Lu Man would never lie to him.

What's more, there is the ability to live with students.

Lu Man nodded. "In my last life, I only lived to be 30 years old and was burned to death by fire."

Han Zhuoli drew in his heart, and immediately asked, "What about me? Where was I then? I didn't protect you, so you died like that? Burned alive to death? Why did I go?"

If he can see himself in his last life, he must strangle him!

He couldn't even protect the road and was burned alive.

It ’s not dead, it ’s so painful to die!

Lu Man laughed easily.

For her, the rarest time has passed.

Han Zhuo Li didn't even suspect for a second, so he just believed and accepted.

He accepts this naturally and rightly so.

She didn't look at her as a monster at all.

Did not alienate her, did not look at her with strange eyes.

She didn't even loosen her arms, but tightened even more.

"Last time, we didn't know each other," Lu Man explained. "If you were here, where would you make me so miserable. I was not so smart in the last life and I couldn't take good care of myself."

"How much do you remember?" Han Zhuo Li asked.

"Remember everything." Lu Man took a deep breath and said, "The turning point in my life is the hotel where I first met you. Before that, life was the same. Parents divorced , Her mother was seriously ill, her fiance betrayed and her stepmother abused. "

"Last lifetime, I was there again, and my life was going to be destroyed a little bit." Lu said slowly.

"Last life, I was in the room next to you and caught by the police. It was Lu Qi who hurt the director, but she destroyed the evidence with He Zhengbai, framed me, and let me go to jail for eight years instead of her."

"At that time, I did n’t know that He Zhengbai had betrayed me and was with Lu Qi. Later, I was released from prison and learned that my mother was seriously ill because she knew that I was in jail. I could n’t bear the blow and did n’t wait for me to come out. He died. "

"I went to Lu Qiyuan, only to find that Lu Qi was already with He Zhengbai, and the two were married. At that time, Lu Qi was already a film-level figure, and He Zhengbai was also a well-known director. Lu Qiyuan left everything for the Lu family. To Lu Qi. "

"I left after a big fight, determined to break with them, no matter what the future, don't get in touch with them. But I did not expect that Lu Qi and He Zhengbai did not intend to let me go."

"Actually, I haven't thought about it yet. At that time, I didn't pose any threat to them. Why did they want me to die? Afraid that I would tell them about them?" Lu Man shook his head, "I didn't know anything at first When I think so. "

"But now I know that they have the right in their hands, and even if I go and tell people, no one will believe it. I went to the media to expose and they can suppress things. I can't do anything about them."

(End of this chapter)

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