The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2180: You have no conscience

Chapter 2180: You Have No Conscience

He Zhengbai sneered, "Lu Qi."

Lu Qi Lengheng, used to call her "Qi Qi", now she is called "Lu Qi".

He Zhengbai continued to say, "How did you pit your dad, but I watched it all the way. You even pit your dad. I must not prevent you from thinking about sharing my property after you marry me?"

"He Zhengbai!" Lu Qi shouted unbelievably, "You are still not a man! You tell me this now?"

"Don't you want my dad's money?" Lu Qi stared, his eyes were more white than those of his eyes.

"My dad's benefit, how much did I give you! How much dowry has been filled up. Do you care about the dowry now, afraid that I will get your cheap?" Lu Qi laughed, "He Zhengbai, you don't want to think, talk to You got married. Except for that marriage certificate, what did you give me? "

"My mother went to jail for us, isn't this dowry big enough? If it's not my mother, the one in the prison now is the three of us! You won't be able to run! Even the He family can't protect you!"

"You talk to me about dowry now? How much of your dad's assets did you take, if it weren't for you, I would be abandoned by my dad, and now there is no backer. Poor enough to be pointed at your nose and scolded me, afraid that I would occupy You are cheap, do you think I have no dowry? "Lu Qi shook her hand fiercely," He Zhengbai, I'm all because of you! "

"You have come to dislike me now, you have no conscience!"

He Zhengbai sneered, "As long as your mother helps you to plead guilty, you must help me plead guilty. Don't make it sound like you do it for me. Are you not for yourself? If you leave me alone, can I make you feel better?"

"Besides, you are also involved in this matter. It's you who pit you. Mom, are you embarrassed to say me?" He Zhengbai said disdain, "Don't say how selfless and dedicated you are, everything is because of me, I can Can't afford it! "

"I forced you to give me your dad's property?" He Zhengbai mocked coldly. "If I remember correctly, it seems like you and you. The idea of ​​mom first. But you two don't have that ability, don't you? I know what to do, so I'm looking for it. "

"I can't help you for free? I help you, but I have to take risks." He Zhengbai chuckled twice. "The things you gave me were not because of love. It was my reward. Is my He family still in vain? Can I help you? What's the best thing to think about! "

Lu Qi shouted angrily, "He Zhengbai! Do you think my mother has gone in, you are all right, then you will show me the true face!"

He Zhengbai didn't even look at her, "Whatever you think."

"He Zhengbai, you bastard!" Lu Qi shouted, "I pay so much for you! You white-eyed wolf!"

"Why come here with me!" He Zhengbai said loudly, "Don't be as aggrieved as you are. I haven't done anything to regret you. I really want to say the white-eyed wolf, that's you too, but It ’s not my turn. "

"Pit your dad's money, poke you. Mom can go to jail, who can be compared to you!" He Zhengbai scorned her, "You said you are not backing now, let me bully, right? I answer you ,Yes!"

"But these are all made by yourself. You originally hurt your parents, it was you who kept them away from you. Who do you blame now? If you don't pit your dad's money, your dad still pays Support you. "

(End of this chapter)

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