The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2182: I do n’t know how to deal with you

Chapter 2182: I Don't Know What Behind You MMP

Lu Qi really hasn't attended such an event for a long time, so she looks forward to it.

In addition, after she married He Zhengbai, He Qingyang and Yang Lin did not like her very much.

She didn't accept her very much either. Lu Qi couldn't go back to Lujia now, so she desperately wanted to integrate into Hejia.

She really wanted to have a good relationship with her in-laws, at least to make He Zhengbo a little bitter and be kind to her.

So Lu Qi told Yang Lin that she wanted to choose clothes with her.

Who would have thought that Yang Lin seemed to have heard such a ridiculous thing, saying, "You?"

Yang Lin laughed, "We didn't plan to take you there."

"Why?" Lu Qi changed her face at the time. "I haven't shown up with him since I married Zhengbai, and I have known you all."

Although, many people know this.

Knowing that she had pitted her parents and married He Zhengbai.

Yang Lin smiled: "But your reputation is not good."

Lu Qi's face changed, and she heard Yang Lin say, "You have pitted your parents and married Zhengbai. This is not a good thing to hear. If you go, everyone will give you pointers and tell you, but It will affect our family and be instructed together. "

"So, don't go there anymore," Yang Lin said. "Our family can't afford to lose this person."

Lu Qi came up in frustration.

She smiled coldly, and said yin and yang strangely, "Mom, you don't think you can afford to lose this person? Why didn't you feel ashamed when you stole my dad's money in the name of help?"

"What is stealing?" Yang Lin angered. "Don't make things so bad!"

"Truth is often so bad," Lu Qi said coldly. "Do n’t you call it stealing? Without my dad's consent, would you call it stealing? I admit that what I do is steal. I am this All my daughters have acknowledged. Do n’t give yourself money, as you do with me. ”

"Also, coax me into saying that it will be good for me. Why don't I feel embarrassed when I ask my mother to plead guilty?"

Yang Lin blushed, and He Qingyang stared at Lu Qi.

Lu Qi felt that He Qingyang wanted to kill her.

But she didn't care.

She had nothing now, and was deceived by He Zhengbo, and nothing, but He Zhengbai, the white-eyed wolf, was too lazy to give her any more.

She had nothing to fear, she had nothing to fear.

She married into He's door and had no plans to make them so cheap!

She's upset, they shouldn't be upset!

Even if she is left alone, she is not bullying!

Lu Qi asked with a whisper: "Do you think that outsiders will separate me from you to see? No!"

Lu Qi snorted coldly, "Well! Who doesn't know who. You just have a layer of concealing cloth on the outside. Really people don't know what is dirty under that cloth?"

"You think they really don't know what you did? Don't deceive yourself!" Lu Qi stood up and looked down at Yang Lin, imposing.

"Even if you go to the ball, no one will take care of you. Even if someone cares about you, you just want to listen to gossip from you. On the surface, he smiles with you, but I don't know how to MMP you!" Lu Qi said coldly .

"As for your virtue, you still think I'm ashamed?" Lu Qi pouted. "Oh, we're just half-baked. No one is entitled to disapprove each other. I don't disapprove you, so don't take it for granted."

(End of this chapter)

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