The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2190: You are still a rich second generation

Chapter 2190: You Are Still A Rich Second Generation

It's just that she's not very obvious, and others can't say anything.

Several of Zhang Shuidong intentionally or unintentionally separated Ni Xue and tried not to let her approach Han Zhuoling.

In the middle of the break, Guo Yujie came to deliver water to Shi Xiaoya, and whispered, "You just didn't patronize the task, did you see it over Ni Xue?"

"I saw it." Shi Xiaoya was not very happy.

She used to be slow in terms of feelings.

But because of dating, because of the person you care about, you will become sharper.

This may be a natural skill for women.

When an enemy comes to seize her territory and stab the people in her territory, the alarm will immediately sound.

A female watch expert who can mark love rivals at a glance without a teacher.

Even if Ni Xue didn't dare to be so obvious, Shi Xiaoya could still see it.

"Don't she have a gold master? Isn't she afraid of being passed on to the ears of gold master?" Shi Xiaoya asked in a low voice. A lot of things came out. Her thoughts could definitely be seen. "

By then, his reputation would be stinky.

"So she also has scruples and doesn't dare to be too obvious." Guo Yujie whispered, "But I heard that she and the gold master seem to be over. Who do you know who she is?"

"Who?" Shi Xiaoya asked.

"You are still a rich second generation!" Guo Yujie said angrily, "You are in a circle with you, you don't know, but you have to ask me!"

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

Isn't she because Guo Yujieqiang is not capable of gossip?

Besides, she also knew her brother's friends and Han Zhuoling's friends.

None of these people is a bag. An entertainer.

"I have inquired. It is the president of Hexun Jewelry, Dong Jianbi." Guo Yujie said.

Shi Xiaoya really knew him, "More than fifty, right?"

"Isn't that right?" Guo Yujie pouted, "The young and rich second-generation are scarce resources. You can find young people when you are young. Those young people, regardless of holding the game, give you some money when you are good. Yes, I have invested in filming for you, but not many, can you find these older ones? "

"I heard that Boss Dong is quite good at the female star, and I love to find people who have just started development, have potential but still need resources and opportunities." Guo Yujie said.

Usually Shi Xiaoya puts on make-up artist, Guo Yujie went to find some staff to chat after helping, from the brokerage company to the media group.

Shi Xiaoya estimates that Guo Yujie's gossip can be similar to a paparazzi.

"I heard people say that because they have just debuted, they haven't had time to find the gold master, so it's still clean and simple for Boss Dong, and young. After a while, I'm tired, and it's just that people are also from him With some resources, he moved on to the next goal. "

"I heard that Boss Dong has a new goal now, and has given her a sum of money before. And as a gift for breaking up, she also gave her a resource." Guo Yujie said, "So she is now looking for a gold master."

"Even if it was shown on TV, she didn't have to be scared when she was seen by the former master." Guo Yujie said, "In fact, her former master was considered to have been pryed off. In addition, Ni Xue has no sense of morality. It doesn't matter whether they have lied to someone else. "

6 more complete, good night ~

Ah, there ’s one more thing. I ’m going to Shanghai tomorrow to attend the website ’s annual meeting, and then I ’ll follow the website from Shanghai to Japan. I will return to Shanghai at night on the 29th, and go home on the 30th. Just in case

Don't worry about updating, it can still guarantee 6000 more daily.

(End of this chapter)

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