The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2197: A little scared

Chapter 2197: A Little Scared

Everyone watched, and said to themselves, would you just say that you should change house with Zhang Xiangyou directly?

Unexpectedly, Ni Xue really asked, "Well ... can we two change?"

Zhang Xiangyou was embarrassed.

In private he certainly didn't want to change it.

He doesn't want to live in a tent either!

Besides, the room that he won by his own talents, on the basis of whom he won, must be let out?

If gentlemanly, today, whenever someone changes, no matter whether it is Lan Jiexin or Peng Zhen, he is very happy.

But Ni Xue, forget it.

Ni Xue now makes such a request, but still looks like a weak person, in fact, he is forcing him to let the room.

He refused to let him be without a gentleman, and he would be condemned morally by her.

The more Ni Xue did, the more he didn't want to let it go.

However, Zhang Xiangyou was really hard to say the word "no" because the machine was shooting.

Otherwise, the keyboard man said that he had no gentlemanliness and bullied a girl.

A big man can't trade with girls.

It had to be scolded by Ni Xue's fans, and his popularity was affected.

He is not stupid.

None of the fools in the entertainment circle.

Ni Xue was aware of this, so he asked him in front of the camera.

She's so good. She paddled in a team match. Now she's going to be punished.

No one else can see it.

As soon as Han Zhuo Ling was about to speak, among the crowd surrounded by the program group, Lu Dongliu said loudly: "You can't change rooms, otherwise this punishment will be meaningless. If you lose, you will be punished. If everyone is like this, whoever loses must accept If you want to be punished, please ask for mercy and exchange with others. It ’s also unfair to those who have won. For those who have won by their own efforts, why do they have to accept punishment? I do n’t think the audience wants to see this.

"Our show is to insist on fairness and justice, winning and losing. Otherwise, everyone will break the rules, this show can still be watched?" Lu Dongliu said rudely.

He is indeed stingy now.

The variety shows that have been handled are all explosion models, and it can be said that they are one red one.

Some are already cold, and the entertainer, long forgotten by the audience, has become popular again after his show.

Lu Dongliu has now been called the industry's first variety director.

Explosion making machine.

All in the circle have been acquiesced, if anyone wants to make a splash, it is right to go to Lu Dongliu's programs.

Except for the deep-rooted connections in the circle, they are not ordinary artists anymore, but those very individual front lines that have their own companies and have considerable shares in large media companies. Other artists really dare not easily offend Lu Dongliu.

Behind Lu Dongliu is Donghua Terrace.

You offend Lu Dongliu, and you can't get any programs on Donghua Channel, and you lose a large traffic platform, which is a very bad thing in itself.

Not to mention Lu Dongliu itself.

Therefore, Lu Dongliu didn't tell his face so directly. As a foundation, Ni Xue was still unstable. Even if he was angry, he couldn't hang on his face, aggrieved, and angry.

However, Ni Xue lowered her head, tears dripping "pattering", sobbing softly, "I'm sorry ... I didn't mean to break the rules. I just ... just a little scared."

Zhang Xiangyou's face was all black.

When she said that, he had to take the initiative to talk to her?

Lan Jiexin and Peng Zhen glanced at each other and nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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