The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2200: Picked a bargain and don't know yet

Chapter 2200

Ni Xue also suspected that Lu Dongliu was so good at talking?

Sure enough, immediately afterwards, I heard Lu Dongliu said, "But if you ca n’t record our show, then sorry, you can only delete the shots you have taken before. You ca n’t make viewers think our show is a joke."

"Speaking well, it can be changed because the guests are not happy."

"We have a second season and a third season of the show. We will continue to do it." Lu Dongliu said, "It ’s an exception here for you, and we ca n’t justify it with other guests in the future. People who are bigger than you can also follow We said that Ni Xue can change the rules, why can't I? "

"You have your difficulties, I have my difficulties." Lu Dongliu said, "It should have been mutual understanding. But you came to participate in our program, and the contract was written in white paper. We must cooperate with all aspects of ours. As long as we Don't ask too much, you have to cooperate. "

"Are we punishing too much? Is it endangering your own safety, your health, or your personal safety, and your reputation? All these do not exist, just let you live in a tent, It's easier to eat. "

"Variety shows all need an effect, which happens to be the effect of yours here. Also, this is a special program that has accumulated the popularity of our previous programs. I can guarantee that the ratings of this program will be particularly high." Lu Dongliu Said, "And as the only punishment object in this issue, how many lenses will you have, have you thought about it?"

Lu Dongliu talked about this, Ni Xue finally understood.

"To continue recording or to leave, you decide for yourself." Lu Dongliu said coldly.

"Lu Dao, I'm not sensible. I misunderstood the meaning of the show crew." Ni Xue immediately lowered her head and lowered her attitude.

"Thank you for your cooperation." Lu Dongliu left after he finished speaking.

The director saw that Ni Xue finally agreed to cooperate and accepted the things.

He did not dare to stay here too much, fearing that Xue Xue suddenly blew the wind again, he would continue to entangle and follow Lu Dongliu quickly.

Lu Dongliu is exhausted.

How do you have to encounter such a few brain disabilities every issue.

If you don't make things clear, you don't understand.

This will require another clever person, even if it is bitter to eat.

As for Ni Xue, I don't know if I picked a bargain.

Wait, then.

Just the emotional intelligence of Ni Xue.

After this program was broadcast, she suffered, and she didn't know what she was scolded by the audience.

Lu Dongliu stroked his chin and thought for a while, and immediately attracted Chi Xingrui.

"I have an idea." Lu Dongliu said to Chi Xingrui.

Dong Xingrui and other landing Dongli continued.

Lu Dongliu went on to say, "Our special program will be broadcast in two formats. One is the TV station and the online version, and the other is the extended version."

"Isn't this a form of other variety shows? There are regular and member versions, and the member version can see more versions cut by TV stations." Chi Xingrui said strangely.

This should not make Lu Dongliu so excited.

Sure enough, Lu Dongliu said, "I'm not talking about this. It's the real full version."

"Except for some lengthy scraps that we filmed, everything else is not cut." Lu Dongliu said, "whether it is the interaction of the guests' fingertips or the discussion of our program group. The most important thing is to include Ni Xue We don't cut everything that doesn't work today. "

(End of this chapter)

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