The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2202: 2260 Ling Shao's novice teaching experience

Chapter 2202 2260 Ling Shao's Novice Teaching Experience

"Is there such a camera, isn't it?" Han Zhuoling murmured.

She patted him angrily, "I don't! Don't misinterpret me!"

Several staff members operate these devices in the rooms provided by the hotel, and a row of screens in front of them are all pictures of each room.

When I heard Han Zhuoling's words, she suddenly lost her voice.

"Ling Shao doesn't know that we are going to release a completely complete version." A person next to said, "If you say that this program is going to be broadcast, all the things that Ling Shao said will be heard by the audience. Will he chase us?"

Everyone: "..."

"Shall we talk to Lu Dao and wake up Ling Shao?" Said another.


This proposal was unanimously accepted by all.

"I ... I'll take a shower first!" Shi Xiaoya poked at him secretly, and whispered, "Hurry up and calm yourself down!"

Shi Xiaoya blushed when she said.

Shi Xiaoya hurriedly went out of the trunk to pull out her new clothes and brought them into the bathroom.

They set out from the hotel in the morning without bringing their luggage.

However, during the filming process, the crew told the guest's assistants that the assistants could pack the guests' luggage and send them over.

So when the guests came into the villa, their luggage was already there.

You can take your luggage into your chosen room.

Shi Xiaoya entered the bathroom, and the camera in the room could only follow Han Zhuo Ling to shoot.

As a result, he saw that Han Zhuo Ling also took out a new suit, pondered for a few seconds at the door of the bathroom, and opened the bathroom to enter.

Staff: "..."

Large dog abuse scene.

Shi Xiaoya was taking a bath in it, and Han Zhuo Ling also took his clothes in. What else could he do?

Shi Xiaoya just removed her makeup.

It turned out that Han Zhuo Ling came in!

"How did you come in?" Shi Xiaoya asked him in surprise.

Han Zhuo Ling shook his clothes twice. "Come in and take a shower."

Shi Xiaoya: "?????"

"The two of us will wash together a little faster." Han Zhuo Ling said exactly as it is.

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

Although Han Zhuo Ling joined, but Han Zhuo Ling did not do anything this time, the two soon finished washing.

Although there is no camera in the bathroom, but there is outside, he is also afraid that the sound will go outside.

And as time goes by, it is easy to hide people's imagination.

No matter how he wanted it, he had to think about Shi Xiaoya's face.

So the two quickly packed up and went to meet the other guests.

There is no need for the show crew to give them a game show.

Zhang Jian, Zhang Xiangyou, Cao Jingchen, these are all fun.

Even Liu Chuanhui and Lin Jingyan, their predecessors, were very active as long as they were not physically active.

So after dinner, everyone played a few games together.

Zhang Xiangyou suddenly asked: "Xiao He, you eat chicken so badly, what about pesticides?"

"It's okay." Cheng He said, "Eating chicken is very lucky, and bad luck has to be made into boxes. As for pesticides, I have played League of Legends before, but it seems a little different from mobile games. I've tried it a few times before, and I'm a bit uncomfortable with mobile phone operation. But it should be OK after getting used to it.

"Then come two." Zhang Xiangyou immediately came to the spirit, "I always believe that professional gods can be very powerful no matter what games they play."

"Come here, I will come too," Zhang Jianzhang said in his sleeve.

Cao Jingchen also played this, "Xiaoya, do you play?"

"It was fun, but I was too good." Shi Xiaoya said embarrassed.

"It's okay, let Xiao He take you." Lin Jingyan said.

I did not expect Lin Jingyan to play.

Zhang Shuidong, Liu Chuanhui and Han Zhuoling will not play.

Cao Jingchen joked: "Brother Zhang, Brother Liu, you two can't do this. You are obviously about the same age as Brother Lin, and other brother Lin is keeping up with the trend. You two are out of date."

Liu Chuanhui, an old fox, said with a smile when he heard: "We are really not very trendy. But Ling Shao is younger than us, and neither is anyone. You can't just talk casually and say that Ling is young Not to follow the trend. "

Cao Jingchen: "..."

Sure enough, it's an old man!

Han Zhuo Ling now heard nothing else, he could not hear others say he was old.

"What game is pesticide? I will try it next." Han Zhuoling said, slightly raising his chin. "I learn fast, and I can learn to eat chicken."

Shi Xiaoya played a game for Han Zhuo Ling.

After the game is good, Han Zhuo Ling is eager to try to rank with them.

"No way," Shi Xiaoya said distressed, "We are not in the same rank and can't take you. And you have to follow a novice teaching process."

Han Zhuo Ling: "..."

"That's when you go to the rankings in person, and I keep the novice teaching alone?" Han Zhuo Ling raised an eyebrow.

other people:"……"

Can't tell, Han Zhuoling, you're very jealous!

What about playing a game together?

You're jealous when you play a game!

Those present were all from their last chicken trip.

Not too surprised.

Cao Jingchen said, "Isn't this eight people? This game is all in groups of four and four. Four are played first, and the rest are waiting for you."

"What else is there?" Zhang Jian said. "Wait together, and by the way look at Ling Shao's novice teaching experience."

All of a sudden they got to Zhang Jian's point.

(End of this chapter)

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