The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2206: It ’s not unreasonable for you to be single now

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"Slap! Slap! Slap!"

Zhang Xiangyou's palms were facing up toward Han Zhuo Ling, "See? No! This is the correct answer!"

"What a phone call, an apology! Children, you are all too young! Why are you annoying your girlfriend? Then you apologize for being angry? That's too late!"

Not to mention male guests, even Shi Xiaoya and their girls all smiled and stooped.

"No, I can't answer it if I want to." Peng Zhen covered her stomach and smiled and waved.

Shi Xiaoya also shook her head, "I don't know who else can answer this question."

"No, one more, I won't believe it." Zhang Jian said.

"Okay." Zhang Xiangyou thought again and asked, "For example, girlfriend, of course Ling Shao, you are Xiaoya, please replace it automatically."

"Girlfriend peeled crayfish to eat."

Han Zhuoling nodded, "Xiao Ya really loves crayfish."

"Please pay attention to quality, don't show affection while listening to the question, give us a single dog a chance to breathe." Cao Jingchen reminded.

Han Zhuo Ling: "..."

Zhang Xiangyou continued: "When the girlfriend peeled the crayfish, he accidentally spilled oil on the high-end custom suit you just found from a well-known old tailor in the UK. Be careful! The old tailor is not easy to pick up work, only to the royal noble , And a limited number of customers. The oil was so rare that it could be said to be the only suit in the world. "

"What would you do?"

"Zhang Jian, please say your answer!" Zhang Xiangyou said.

Zhang Jian answered without thinking, "It's okay, I'll do one more."

Zhang Xiangyou said "Hehe", "I haven't learned any lessons."

He asked Cheng He again, "Why are you?"

Xiao He thought about the routine of the previous question, and said, "Call my girlfriend a crayfish."

Zhang Xiangyou sprayed out, "Do you think you are feeding pigs? It's not unreasonable for you to be single now."

"Ling Shao, what are you going to do?" Zhang Xiangyou asked again.

Han Zhuoling frowned, and said very puzzledly: "Why Xiaoya peel the shrimp myself since I'm here? Of course I peeled it for her."

"Slap! Slap! Slap!"

Zhang Xiangyou patted him three times, "Comrades! This is the standard answer!"

"If you come to the last question again, you don't have to answer it. You are not saved. Just listen to the correct answer." Zhang Xiangyou said.

"Ling Shao, listen well, the last question." Zhang Xiangyou said, "if you eat with a female colleague."

Han Zhuo Ling frowned. "Why should I eat with a female colleague?"

"There are many reasons. Your company is having a dinner together. Seeing a customer is a female customer."

"I don't attend company dinners." Han Zhuoling responded indifferently.

"..." Zhang Xiangyou, "If! It's an analogy."

"You said." Han Zhuo Ling nodded, no longer interrupted.

Zhang Xiangyou said, "If a female colleague is drunk and asks you to take her home, what would you do?"

Han Zhuoling asked almost conditionedly: "Why should I drink with her? This is simply impossible."

Zhang Xiangyou shook his head with a sigh and shook his head, while giving Han Zhuo Ling a thumbs up and admiring the five bodies, he could not speak.

"Xiao Ya, don't you usually give Ling Shao this kind of survival test?" Cao Jingchen was also startled.

The routine of the correct answer turned out to be this way!

6 more complete, good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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