The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2210: in this life

Chapter 2210: This Life

In order to propose to Shi Xiaoya, she also sought a romance novel in the early years.

哪 How did you know this in the early years?

What he wants to see is also a novel full of blood and doing it without consent.

So I can only ask the female colleagues in the company.

The female colleague of the company thought he was going to be a mother, and even came to inquire about romance novels.

In the early years, I had no choice but to say that I wanted to know more about girls and wanted to pursue them.

I want to understand what the girls think in their hearts through romance novels, and how to reach them.

After all, most of the girls who write romance novels are girls.

How to make girls feel hate, this feeling is only the girls themselves know best.

As a result, the female colleagues in the company thought that this was the first time they had liked them.

One after another gossip, in addition to planning.

In order to give Han Zhuo Ling a whole set of romance novels, in the early years, I had a feeling of selling myself.

Han Zhuo Ling watched a lot of proposals from the novel.

Always feel unsuitable for him and Shi Xiaoya.

"But after thinking about it, I think those don't seem to be suitable for us." Han Zhuo Ling said, "And I also want to give you a proposal different from others."

Shi Xiaoya's heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and she looked at him nervously.

"Exactly, the show team invited us to record the final special show." Han Zhuo Ling said, "The two of us can be considered because of the show's affection. In the first issue, there was a misunderstanding and we got deeper contact. Then Confessed again on the show and formally together. "

"The two of us are always related to this show." Han Zhuo Ling said.

His voice was warm, and in the garden path under the night, the slightly cold night tonight was warmed up.

"So, I thought, at the end of the last episode of the show, to propose to you." Han Zhuo Ling said, "Because in this show, we are together. This show has a different meaning to me . Our three encounters, love, and marriage proposal, all happened here. "

Han Zhuo Ling licked his lower lip nervously, facing Shi Xiaoya, taking two deep breaths.

Suddenly, his long body was short.

Shi Xiaoya was shocked and saw him kneeling on the trail on one knee.

Shi Xiaoya's subconscious will pull Han Zhuo Ling up.

Even if kneeling on one knee, it is kneeling.

Shi Xiaoya never wanted to see Han Zhuoling like this.

But, of course, she couldn't pull it up.

"Xiaoya, would you marry me?" Han Zhuoling asked, "Let me take care of you, pet you, and love you."

He had a marriage.

It wasn't so pleasant and there wasn't much happiness.

But for Shi Xiaoya, he is a second marriage.

Shi Xiaoya doesn't care, but he still cares.

In this matter, he thought that Shi Xiaoya was wronged and lost.

But the more he did, the more he felt guilty, the more he wanted to be nice to her.

In the end, Han Zhuo Ling said, "Long time."

He wanted to stay with Shi Xiaoya for a long time.

This marriage is this life.

He also knew that as long as he was with Shi Xiaoya, except for the day of death, there would never be a day of separation.

"Maybe we haven't been together that long. There isn't a long love run, not even a year or two." Han Zhuoling said, "But we already know enough and don't need time to prove each other's understanding."

(End of this chapter)

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