The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2225: Cheap

Chapter 2225: Cheap

After all, the two haven't really been together for long.

At least in Du Yichen's opinion, it has not grown to the point where the two can understand each other.

The other person's personality, habits, and ideas in all aspects must be discovered slowly in long-term communication.

There are too many hidden dangers in impulsive marriage.

But after these times, it was not only Shi Xiaoya's understanding of Han Zhuo Ling.

Even their parents know more and more about Han Zhuoling.

More and more, Han Zhuo Ling is definitely the one who can trust her daughter for life.

Only once did Du Yizheng have such worries.

It's rare to encounter a reassuring person like Han Zhuo Ling.

If you change men, you have to worry again.

Unexpectedly, I was worried before, and now they are engaged!

"What time is it?" Du Yichen immediately asked.

"Just yesterday." Shi Xiaoya said.

"Don't we go to record the program? After the program was recorded last night, I didn't expect him to keep it secret. He said privately to the show group and the participating guests. So after recording the program last night, it gave me such a surprise. Shi Xiaoya's mind unconsciously surfaced a picture of proposal of marriage last night, and her heart seemed to be full of honey.

"No, why did you wear the ring on your ring finger?" Shi Nancang wondered. "Did you go straight to get your badge today?"

Shi Guanzhong and Du Yizhen were suddenly shocked.

"No!" Shi Xiaoya quickly waved her hand. "No, no."

Speaking of this, Shi Xiaoya's mouth twitched, "Because Zhuo Ling said that he would get married anyway and wear it directly on the ring finger, so that people can see that they can die early."

Shi Nancang: "..."

He lost.

Han Zhuo Ling is really a good boy!

Du Yi nodded cheerfully, "Okay, this is good."

"He only proposed the marriage last night, and came over to tell you today." Shi Xiaoya favored Han Zhuo Ling.

Sure enough, Shi Guanzhong was particularly happy.

What does this mean?

It means that Han Zhuoling values ​​Shi Xiaoya!

Because of the importance she attaches to Shi Xiaoya, I feel that such a big matter must be told to them first.

Shi Guanzhong smiled and waved his hand, "How good it is, I have to talk to the second old man first."

"We will pass by the old house tomorrow night," said Han Zhuo Ling.

There is no more politeness in Shi Guan.

Because I know that the old lady is more particular about this, I have to choose a good day before I can get a certificate.

It doesn't have to be days like 520, 1314, but it's better to marry.

Therefore, the specific time to obtain a certificate, we must first discuss with the old lady.

Du Yizhen looked at Shi Xiaoya, and was sighed in her heart.

Shi Xiaoya, who was only a little girl in her memory, is about to get married now.

Fortunately, the subject was Han Zhuo Ling, and she was very relieved.

In the evening, Shi Guanzhong and Shi Nancang drove Han Zhuo Ling to drink together.

This time, even Du Yiying, who played as son-in-law, did not stop.

This kid is going to marry their baby daughter. Even if he feels that Han Zhuo Ling is very good, Du Yichen will still be reluctant.

Shi Nancang poured wine to Han Zhuo Ling, and Shi Guanzhong sighed, "My baby girl, it's cheap for you. You must be good to our family Xiaoya, you can't feel that you have married someone. I do n’t think it matters anymore. ”

Han Zhuoling listened silently and nodded in time without making any guarantee.

(End of this chapter)

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