The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2227: Who tells the drunk a promise

Chapter 2227: Who Tells The Drunk Ghost Guarantee

"Before she got married, how comfortable she was and how much she was favored. After she got married, she only surpassed, and there would be no worse." Han Zhuo Ling told Du Yizhen seriously, "I will not let her have the pressure and difficulty after marriage. "

"Our family has always given our daughter-in-law full freedom. From my mother, my second wife, to Lu Man, there is no need to change anything in my mother's family. Instead, my mother used to be somewhat restrained and unable to let go. But in recent years, The more comfortable you are, what is said and never blamed. "

"Even when she quarreled with my dad, the second elder never cared for her, even helping her." Han Zhuo Ling said, "Maybe because she's not the closest person to her, so she can't be too pretentious. But she can pretend to me and need nothing take into account."

"In the future, she will also be a mother. She will worry about her children, but will not be unhappy because of it." Han Zhuo Ling said, "I will work hard so that she will not change after marriage, and will become worse than when she was single. Feeling happy and comfortable. "

Shi Xiaoya's original resentment was suppressed by Han Zhuo Ling's words.

Han Zhuoling was finally relieved.

Otherwise, she was almost inattentive and almost lost her daughter-in-law.

Shi Guan said drunkly: "I just talked to you just now, and you just nodded. When you talk to mom, you promised me, it's not fair!"

Han Zhuo Ling: "..."

Who tells the drunk about the guarantee.

You sleep and forget everything tomorrow. Isn't he a promise in vain?

The guarantee is of course to tell someone who can remember.

However, Shi Guanzhong and Shi Nancang were so drunk that they forgot what they were going to say.

After talking to Shi Xiaoya's parents, the next day, they went to the old house.

He told Han Zhuoling's successful marriage proposal to the elders of the Han family.

Han Zhuoli knew why Han Zhuo Ling went to work at noon the day before.

Probably I was too happy after the successful marriage proposal. I had a relationship with Shi Xiaoya at home, so I didn't want to go to work.

Although Lin Liye and others did not know about Han Zhuo Ling's going to the company late last night, the changes since he was with Shi Xiaoya were all in sight.

Such a change is certainly good.

This kind of Han Zhuo Ling makes people feel flesh and blood, more personal.

For his change like this, the elders of the Han family were naturally happy to see it happen, and they were naturally not dissatisfied with Shi Xiaoya.

After Han Zhuo Ling's divorce, in fact, the old lady had already made psychological preparations, and felt that it was unlikely that Han Zhuo Ling would remarry in her life.

Don't look at the old lady who has been urging him before, and introduce him to the girl.

But in fact the old lady was mentally prepared for it.

The old lady urged him not to make him postponed.

The old lady's mind is not so old-fashioned.

I don't want to look at Han Zhuoling alone, but he is also a lonely individual when he gets old.

Han Zhuo Li already has his own family, and Han Zhuofeng will have it in the future.

By then, Han Zhuoling was too lonely.

It's good to have a lover and stay with each other.

The old lady didn't want to see Han Zhuoling indifferent when she was young, but she will remain indifferent in the future.

I hope Han Zhuo Ling can feel the warmth of life.

The old lady was so worried that she couldn't give him high pressure like Han Zhuoli did.

And even for Han Zhuoli, it was just a rush.

(End of this chapter)

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