The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2232: What she said is like a bully

Chapter 2232: What She Said Like A Bully

"They, they forget the fear of being at your disposal."

Lu Man: "..."

What she said is like a bully.

"Oh, someone sent Ni Xue's words to instigate fans in the fan group." Shen Nuo Dan calmly ate a melon and turned to look at Lu Man, "Is this what you made?"

"I just contacted the big bear." Lu Man said.

The old lady raised her hand actively. "Big bear, I know, he's very famous and broke a lot of stuff."

Shi Xiaoya said that the Han family is the boss of the entertainment industry. What is unknown to the Han family? The old lady still loves the news on the Internet.

This is really the process of enjoying waiting.

"There are people in these studios lurking in the fan base, especially the main fan base where there will be artist airborne, there are people." Lu Man explained.

"It should be difficult for fans like this to be the closest fan group to the frontline, right?" Shi Xiaoya asked.

"Artists with many fans, their fan club has actually formed a special department, hanging under their agency or personal studio. The head of the fan club, or the president of the support club, is actually the artist's Appointed by the company. Most of the heads of mature fan groups are not the founders of the beginning. "

"The fan group they directly contact and lead belongs to the core circle, and their leaders and some cadres are naturally the core of the fan group. Like this core fan circle, they are all iron powder, and they can't easily be moved. But these prerequisites It is because the fan group has matured, and the artist itself has a large number of fans. On this basis, the fans are screened to form a core circle. "

"Fan groups like this are indeed more difficult to ambush, but they are not helpless. In fact, they do not need to lurk in the core group, they can also be in branches. What do cadres in the fan group want to convey, organize activities, and even There will be screenshots in the past. That way you can know a lot of things. "

"As for Ni Xue, her fan base has not reached such a terrible level. What she has to do now is suck. Fan, regardless of the quality of the fans, increase the number first. The number of fans can represent her popularity to a large extent . Many film and television dramas and brand endorsement opportunities are determined by the fan audience and popularity. "

"So she is not qualified to wash the powder now, she is not qualified to pay attention to the quality of the fans. In other words, she has fans now is not bad. One more is one."

"In this case, her fan base is so lurking." Lu Man explained, "And like the big bears, they rarely spend the energy to lurk high-profile entertainers. For those entertainers, they directly follow and pass. There are other ways to get news. People who lurk are usually people like Ni Xue who have just made some fame but are not qualified to wash the powder. "

"As for those who, suddenly, from obscurity to overnight redness, this is not applicable."

"And like Ni Xue, because the fan group is too cluttered and difficult to manage, even if the news in the group is really leaked, so many people ca n’t find it, they ca n’t empty the group and start over. Right. They are afraid and ineligible. "Lu Man analyzed to Shi Xiaoya.

The old lady also knew that there were so many things in it.

Don't look at the high status of the Han family in the entertainment industry, but the old lady really doesn't know these things.

In the era when the old man was in charge of Han Bang, the entertainment industry was not like it is now.

Until now, the changes have been particularly great, but Han Zhuo Li and Han Zhuo Ling will not tell her these gossips.

Besides, the two people are only responsible for the general development of Han Bang, focusing on the global pattern.

Where can you care about this gossip, let alone Han Zhuo Ling, even in the eyes of Han Zhuo Li, caring about these is a waste of time.

(End of this chapter)

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