The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2240: Did you come to me on purpose?

Chapter 2240: Come To Me?

Don't have a fresh and moving beauty.

What they didn't expect is that this little beauty who looks like an Oriental doll has such a thick skin!

I can speak of their sarcasm as a compliment!

No wonder the exchange student team who had been there before came back and said that Lu Man was insidious and cunning, so don't be fooled by her appearance.

It turned out to be true.

Just as she had dealt with Bourbott before, and the team of exchange students who had won their school not long ago, she must have used some insidious tricks!

They didn't believe that Lu Man achieved this by what her real strength.


Lu Man heard a familiar voice, and looked back. It turned out that Han Leilei and Zhang Xiaoying came together. Two boys from the National Theatre, Guo Hai and Tan Mingxiao, seemed to be escorting them.

Seeing Lu Man, Han Leilei immediately laughed happily.

There was a look of complete relaxation on their faces, as if the road was coming, they looked like they were backing.

Even other students saw Han Leilei's response.

They were all particularly weird, not just a thin woman with a very thick skin.

Does seeing her look like backing?

Where is Lu Man's qualifications?

It seems that these exchange students from China are really panicked, there is no way out.

I also know that in the past few months, I have lost my face and face, so I urgently hope that someone will come to support them.

They didn't know whether they could help them, so they blindly put hope on Lu Man.

It's ridiculous.

Even if this girl comes, it's just another shameful person.

Can they still count on Lu Man to help them?

I really don't know what it means!

He has been hit here to the point where he knows nothing.

Even a little girl relied on.

Of course, the four of Han Leilei did not know what these people were thinking. When they saw Lu Man, Zheng Yuan was really relieved.

Even Zhang Xiaoying, who has always regarded Lu Man as an opponent, saw Lu Man's heartfelt kindness this time.

At this moment, I couldn't care about doing the right thing with Lu Man. The smile was very sincere and kind.

Lu Man looked at him for a moment.

But Zhang Xiaoying laughed so friendly, naturally she would not show any unpleasantness.

Say hello to both of them happily.

The other two boys, Guo Hai and Tan Mingxiao.

Guo Hai is a student of Chinese opera. They knew each other in the "Huayi Cup" competition.

Although it is not familiar, it is not unfamiliar.

The other Tan Mingxiao, Lu Man has never seen.

After saying hello to Guo Hai, Guo Hai introduced to Lu Man, "This is Tan Mingxiao, but also a student of our national opera, my classmate."

Lu Man also said hello to Tan Mingxiao.

"You came here on purpose?" Lu Man asked.

She is now in the school office to come to the class to exchange student reports.

Although it was a long time late, because President Liu explained to New York University in the name of the school before.

So it's okay for Lu Man to report late.

I just didn't expect to be ridiculed.

The four of them didn't look as if something had come to the office.

Han Leilei nodded and said, "I know you will report today, and we will come to pick you up."

She looked around the circle office, "Has Han not come with you?"

"Just to report, it's not a big deal. He sent me and went to the company." Lu Man said.

(End of this chapter)

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