The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2245: too disgusting

Chapter 2245: Too Disgusting

In turn, look forward to the road.

This mentality seems to be waiting for everyone to come over to support them, and to justify them.

As a man, several of Guo Hai were embarrassed.

They are tall and big, but they still need to count on a thin little girl in Lu Man to support them.

Each one was ashamed.

"Our current schedule is followed by students in the performance class here," Han Leilei explained. "That is to say, when we were in our school, the competition lost to us, Shana, and Howard. In addition, there is Oren Heisserg, who Howard said before. "

Although Shana and Howard had lost badly in that game before, they belonged to the entire collapse.

In fact, most of the failures of that game were because their own mentality had not been maintained well, and they were lost in the mentality.

The mentality exploded, causing serious errors in their performances.

If it is played normally, no matter how good Lu Man's performance is, he may not be able to crush a team with them.

The best result might just be a tie.

It was because of this that they made Howard even more unconvinced.

If they lose in strength, they will not say anything.

It just happened that his mentality exploded, resulting in poor performance.

Even one-fifth of their normal level did not show up.

In their opinion, they lost too much in that match.

But for whatever reason, if you lose the game, you lose, and it's so ugly and shameful.

This is the first time in many years since the two sides began cooperation and exchanges that they lost.

After returning, naturally the students' ridicule was inevitable.

Some people say: "You are still in the second team, and you have lost to such a small group of players. I think your second team's quota should be given up. Don't embarrass yourself, it makes people think that the strength of our second team is so good."

"That is, I strongly recommend re-election of the second team. Even the group of students can't compare, we are really shameful this time!"

"You have done a good job. Now other students of the Academy of Performance know that you have lost to that rookie. Now they are beginning to question our level."

"Oh, Howard, didn't you yell at the beginning to avenge Bourbet? As a result, you came back dimly, but that was enough."

"We watched your game videos. What kind of stuff did you play?"

"During the class, Professor McFara also showed us the video of the game, let us find the shortcomings of both of you. To be honest, the Chinese students, there are deficiencies, if they change to us, we will definitely perform It ’s better. But you guys, huh, you can only look for something to be appreciated. "

"But guess what? You can't even tell a man who can survive."

"What the **** are your performances, it's disgusting."

"Sana didn't say in an interview before that she wants to get rid of the idol title, don't want to be a vase anymore, you want everyone to see your acting skills, and you want to transform?"

"Well, you just act like this, and still transform? Just rest assured to continue playing your vase."

Almost all members of the second team were scolded after returning.

Because their performance this time is really bad.

I remember it wrong, it should be Han Leilei as an exchange student, not Zheng Yuan. The previous chapters have been changed ~

(End of this chapter)

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