The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2249: First class

Chapter 2249 First Lesson

The teacher's acting skills may not be better than the students they taught, but they must know more about how to teach so that you can better understand the absorption.

Seeing the disappointed expression on the faces of Guo Hai and others, Lu Man said, "I am also a student, and there is still a lot to learn. It ’s a bit daunting to teach you. In our daily practice, we can discuss together and I will Tell me how I usually practice. "

"For example, we choose a piece of work to practice. We can discuss together, try to figure out, and talk about their own understanding of the role. Through discussions, we can figure out the most appropriate expression. If there are deficiencies, we can point out. "

Hearing Lu Man is not not teaching but he feels that his level is not good enough, but he still helps each other.

The crowd was relieved, because they had misunderstood her meaning just now.

"However, this way, it is inevitable that there will be disputes due to their respective understandings and ideas, so we noisy when we practice, but as long as the practice is over, we can pass things on, but we cannot affect the relationship between them." Man gave everyone a shot in advance.

"This is of course." Everyone nodded assured.

That being said, Lu Man didn't immediately believe it.

Arguing too much will always affect your feelings, so you have to test it out.


In the afternoon, at two o'clock, everyone set off for class.

Han Leilei said on the road, "Today's lesson is the study of Shakespeare's drama."

Lu Man was unfamiliar with the place where he was attending the class, and followed the crowd to the classroom.

The classroom is more like a small theater.

Below is the auditorium and in front is the stage for the performance.

"Every time this class is taught, the professor sits with the students under the stage, and then everyone draws roles and performs on stage." Han Leilei said, "Each time the previous class, the professor will talk about the next one Let ’s go back and recite the lines. ”

"If it is your turn to take the stage, and your lines are not memorized, even if you stumble, then in the future classes, you will not have the opportunity to get any important and challenging roles. If you perform worse You will not even have the chance to take the stage in the classroom after that. "Tan Mingxiao added.

Failure to get on stage means no direction.

If you learn to perform, you will have drama.

But you can't get on the stage, or you can only play the role of a dragon with a few lines or even no lines.

What's more, you can't get more challenging characters to test your acting skills.

There is no way to test your weaknesses and get pointers.

What is lost is not just an opportunity to express themselves, but an opportunity to improve.

These exchange students are fine.

Anyway, I ’m leaving here after studying for a while. What ’s going on here has no effect on them.

Therefore, what they value more is the opportunity to improve their performance skills, and have more opportunities to get the guidance of these very famous performing artists.

So just punch these, they also have to recite their lines, not to lose the opportunity to appear on the stage.

As for the students in the original performance classes, it is more related to their scores and other issues.

They value it even more.

Lu Man nodded. "In this way, the basic skills of students here will become very solid."

(End of this chapter)

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