The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2255: This is my number

Chapter 2255: This Is My Number

Oren said, "So much has been said, I haven't introduced myself yet."

"My name is Oren Hesselg, and I am also a student in this class. I heard that one of the remaining exchange students today has arrived. It should be you."

"Hello, my name is Lu Man." Lu Man said generously.

"Welcome," Oren said politely, "I've watched your performance video before and have always wanted to know you and communicate with you. I've been looking forward to knowing that you are also on the exchange student list. You finally came Now. "

The other party was polite, and Lu Man naturally was also polite. "Because of some private affairs, I came late."

Howard sneered beside Oren. "Is it a little late? It's almost coming before the game, and we just look down on us."

Oren glanced at Howard with a warning glance, allowing him to converge.

Lu Man wouldn't let Howard pass because of Oren's blocking.

He dared to say, and she dared to shout, "It seems that the last defeat has dealt a great deal to you, and even your self-confidence is lost. Even if I come late, you will look down on you."

"I didn't say you look down on me!" Howard said immediately.

Lu Man smiled, "You said I look down on you, but I don't look down on anyone, then you are the only one left."


"Enough!" Oren turned back to interrupt Howard. "Leo, sit back with Howard. The professor is here."

Leo hurries Howard away.

Howard was unwilling, and Leo gave Howard a glance at the time.

It really is almost time.

Professor Hewell has always been on time, and will certainly enter the classroom at the same time as the bell rings.

So Howard finally stopped tangling.

Seeing this, Oren was finally satisfied, and then said to Lu Man, "What do you guys don't understand and need help, although tell me."

Oren took a notepad from his backpack and wrote down his number. "This is my number. Contact me directly if you have any questions."

Lu Man took it with a smile and thanked him.

Oren wanted to sit next to Lu Man, but unfortunately there was no seat.

Albertine, who was on the same team as him, waved at him through several seats. "Olen, here!"

When Oren saw this, he had to give up and smile at Lu Man. "Then I will sit down first."

Lu Man naturally was kind to him.

After Olen left, Zhou Li whispered, "Olen is kind. He is famous and strong, and has a good personality. He is really different from Howard."

"Yeah." Sun Mengying agreed, "Many people look down on us and taunt us in person. But in fact, they are not comparable to Oren. None of them have done so, and they feel they are quite good It is such a comparison that they look like a clown. "

Tan Mingxiao asked, "You guys, don't you just look at the parents? It's good to have a high face value."

Howard is not a particularly handsome type, at least it is far worse than Allenby.

Oren is famous and powerful, and long is of the prince type. It is really the male **** in the hearts of many young girls. It is no exaggeration.

"What, people are just being polite and just looking handsome." Zhou Li protested. "We are not so superficial."

Guo Hai also said, "But I don't see him as well as he did."

Seeing a few girls have a good impression of Oren, Lu Man shook his head and asked with a smile, "Is Oren always in school before?"

(End of this chapter)

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