The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2265: Just

Chapter 2265: Just

Everyone is here. How could Hewell not hear what Lu Man and Howard said.

"Professor Howell!" Shana saw and called him, "Professor, do you want to stop them?"

"I don't need to stop as long as the students do not make an exceptional bet," Howell said.

He looked at Lu Man again.

However, I did not expect that once Lu Man came, there was such a trouble.

However, this is indeed Howard's first question.

Even if the impression of Lu Man was not good, Hewell would not blame it on Lu Man's head.

One thing at a time.

"I won't stop you from this," Howell told Howard and Lu Man.

He asked Lu Man again, "Should I find two more teachers to serve as referees? Rest assured, the person I'm looking for will definitely decide fairly."

After all, this is in their school, so Hewell thinks that Lu Man may very well be uneasy about the impartiality of the referee.

He also plans to postpone the lesson or apply for a special time to allow Lu Man and Howard to test.

Go outside the school to find some of his old friends.

Several of his old friends are also actors in the circle, including stage actors, and movie and television actors.

It may not be that famous, but it is also very famous in the circle.

Lu Man smiled and shook his head, and said, "Please come to the verdict. I trust your judgment."

Lu Man's words, even He Weir, were very useful.

The previous impression of Lu Man was not good.

But seeing that Lu Man did not flinch, he really planned to perform with other classmates in his class, and was very confident, and knew that Lu Man was indeed prepared.

Herwell thought, first of all, she should dismiss her preconceived ideas about Lu Man and see her future performance.

As a result, Lu Man saw Howard's provocation, but he did not flinch.

He was directly facing Howard, and he wasn't scared at all.

Howell likes this character!

It ’s just, it ’s just rushing forward. I do n’t know what it means to be back!

Do you want to hit my face?

no way!

At this time, Howell had a bit of a long way to go.

This little girl is very temperamental with him at least in character.

Next, see if she has the strength to match the advance.

Otherwise, like Howard, if he has no temper and no arrogant capital, he can only be ashamed.

Out of appreciation of Lu Man's temper, Hewell was willing to help Lu Man within his ability.

Unexpectedly, Lu Man directly let him decide, saving a lot of trouble.

Lu Man is so happy and more decisive than most men.

Herwell's mood also became better, "Okay, you trust me, you can rest assured that I will make a fair judgment."

He Wei finished, clapped his hands, reminded everyone, "Okay, everything is ready, let's start!"

Because there has been no rehearsal, it is based on personal understanding of this role.

Therefore, a performance is naturally not so harmonious, and there will be such unexpected places.

After that, Howell began to comment.

"Although this is not a formal performance, it is just an exercise in the classroom, but you should also perform with the mentality of presenting a perfect work, rather than fighting each other, just to be able to show yourself more prominently.

"To think about each other's opponents more, how to play well together, what you need is tacit understanding." Hewell said.

With the joy of IG winning the championship, today only wrote three more ...

Cover your face ...

The remaining three more come during the day ~

In the end, my shy brother picks five and never retreats hahaha ~

Good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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