The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2269: Want to play tricks

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Everyone froze.

Is not it?

Mainly, Hewell used to give an "A" at most, making everyone think that the upper limit was "A +".

But isn't it?

"My full score is S." Hewell said, "So, you think A's score is quite good, but there is actually a gap.

Everyone: "..."

With a performance and comments, a lesson is over.

Howell arranged the performance of next week and left.

But no one else has left.

They depend on how Howard ends.

Howard even wanted to take the opportunity to leave, as a bet no longer exists.

Anyway, from today to the period before the game, I was hiding a little in the school and I did n’t meet her.

Howard was leaving, and he was leaving.

"Howard," Lu Man called.

Lu Man is not alone here, she still has teammates.

Guo Hai was busy pulling Tan Mingxiao and other five boys, blocking Howard.

Although five of them are shorter than Howard, they are more crowded.

The five big boys were very strict, and Howard himself didn't look good enough.

Howard lost to Lu Man again, and even Leo didn't stand with Howard.

They can't afford to lose this person.

Losing once may be a matter of luck.

But you lose twice in a row, which shows that your strength is a problem.

This shows that Howard is not on the road.

It was ridiculous to think that Howard had been so arrogant with Lu Man before and offered to bet.

No wonder Lu Man didn't look at Howard's eyes. This is not at all arrogant, but the strength of the two sides is indeed not equal.

Howard's strength is so weak and he has been jumping. This has to rest on himself, and I can't bear it!

Moreover, since you bet, you are willing to bet on losing.

Besides, the death you made first was not Lu Man's first suggestion.

You look for things yourself, and you have a winning look, all kinds of look down on others.

Now you lose, do you want to play tricks again?

Even Howard's classmates are not on his side now.

Even people who had previously looked down on Han Leilei and others did not stand by Howard's side at this time.

Not even talking to Howard.

They all followed as shame.

You challenge, win, and give them a long face.

It's shameful to lose, and I want to cheat.

This is really a loss of face.

Han Leilei was the first to respond, trying to stop Howard.

It was Guo Hai who held her back.

Howard was so angry that he could do something.

"This kind of thing, how can you let this girl do it?" Guo Hai said, and took a few boys to stop Howard.

Howard was so angry that this group of people took it without knowing it!

Tan Mingxiao said directly: "You and Lu Man's bet have not been completed, it is not appropriate to go now."

Howard gritted his teeth. "Find some time and I'll get it done."

"No." Lu Man came over.

Howard heard Lu Man say this, and still thought Lu Man had such a good talk, didn't need him to kneel and apologize?

Howard couldn't help but think of it, wasn't their Chinese people always paying attention to what it means to complain about virtue?

What kind and generosity to show.

Winning you, forgiving you a lot, looks very stylish.

Thinking about it that way, Lu Man stood still in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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