The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2279: default

Chapter 2279 Default

In previous sessions, because the surrounding environment is too good, there is no external pressure.

So the exchange students were very comfortable, so they put their experience on the competition in the team.

The team can not compete with each other, not to mention that their strength is not good, even if the strength is high, they are likely to lose.

Howard before, one of the reasons they will lose, is also because they do not accept anyone in the team, seemingly unity actually has many problems.

But this time, under the pressure of the outside world, they were rarely united.

As a result, the benefits of solidarity have been tasted even more.

No one is allowed to destroy.

At this point, no need for Lu Man to persuade, everyone made their own judgment.

Wu Zilin was furious, and he laughed with a mockery, "You have to say your Guodian students, what can you say to your principal, and go to your principal to play around with right and wrong. But I am a student of Dongxi Opera, and our Dongxi people What's under your command! "

To Wu Zilin, others frowned.

Han Leilei and Zhang Xiaoying are the most angry, after all, Wu Zilin ridicules their school.

What Wu Zilin said was not to say that the principals of their schools still obeyed Lu Man's command?

He was questioning their school!

At the same time, he also said that Lu Man went to play with the headmaster to make a mistake like a school bully.

I spent a few months with Wu Zilin before, so why didn't he think he was such a thing!

Han Leilei flushed.

But I didn't expect that it was Zhang Xiaoying who spoke first.

"I've had conflicts with Lu Man before, have you all heard it?" Zhang Xiaoying asked.

Han Leilei felt a little stunned, thinking that Zhang Xiaoying was going to rebel.

After all, the relationship between Zhang Xiaoying and Lu Man was not very good before.

It is not impossible to use this opportunity to fight Lu Man.

But after coming here, Zhang Xiaoying really changed a lot.

Han Leilei wavered in her heart.

But everyone else did not speak, it was a matter of acquiescing to Zhang Xiaoying.

Zhang Xiaoying smiled, "So, you should know that I had a bad relationship with Lu Man before, and was once hostile. We have also made a bet based on our results. Of course, unlike this time, it is too small, just small Make a noise. "

"There were many reasons for watching my TV series before, and it was really because of the quality of the TV series." Zhang Xiaoying said.

"Lu Man's competition with me has always been a head-to-head confrontation, and there has been no bad way. We did not know the relationship between Lu Man and Han Shao at the beginning, but the senior management at the school knew it. But the school did not interfere with me and Lu Man Things didn't stop there. "

"As Lu Man said just now, whether it was her conflict with Howard, the conflict between the students and us before, or the conflict between me and Lu Man. These are our personal affairs and have nothing to do with the school. The school never interfered. "

"And Lu Man never said anything to our school leader because of the disagreement between our two. The matter between us was a fair test. After the test came to fruition, there would be no more entanglement. Stop it. I have tripped me up in other ways and used improper means. "

Zhang Xiaoying smiled. "Otherwise, I wouldn't stand here to talk to you, because if she really avenges and doesn't want me to develop anything, then I won't have the opportunity to come here to learn."

(End of this chapter)

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