The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2287: Method

Chapter 2287: Approach

She didn't take this pressure seriously.

However, Lu Man does have better options.

She will not choose herself as a guide until there is no way out.

It wasn't that she didn't dare to take responsibility, but that she didn't think she could do both.

Really not qualified to serve.

Unless there is really no choice but to do so, I will serve.

"I came to direct rehearsal under the most compelling circumstances," Lu Man said. "Before that, I think of a way."

Han Leilei hoped again.

Yeah, Han Zhuoli followed her.

Maybe he can help Han Zhuoli find someone.

But Wu Zilin was not very optimistic.

Even if Han Zhuo Li has a wide network, it is okay to arrange a time with people in advance.

I went to look for it temporarily, and everyone's big-name schedules were full. How could I come over immediately?

Lu Man ignored Wu Zilin's questioning with a little disdain, and first dialed the phone.

Just when everyone thought that Lu Man was calling Han Zhuoli or someone who knew him, when he was looking for a teacher to rehearse, who knew Lu Man said, "The principal, I am Lu Man."

The crowd looked at her in surprise, but were not worried, they were just curious about what she called the principal.

There are others who think more, which principal she called?

Only Wu Zilin was panicked.

哪个 Which principal is calling Duan Man and what is she calling now?

Do you want to replace him?

On what basis!

What's wrong with him?

"Principal Liu," Lu Man said.

Everyone knew that Lu Man was talking on the phone with the principal of Guodian.

Wu Zilin was slightly relieved.

Like everyone else, he thought that Lu Man wanted to call a teacher from China.

Everyone thought, this is also a way, better than no one to rehearse them.

Just now they were in the loop too, so they forgot they could actually invite teachers from China.

Even if it takes a little time to get a visa, it is not impossible for the school to come in and do something special.

In addition, many teachers have come here to communicate, they hold their visas and they do not expire.

Can come directly.

Even at the beginning, the school felt that domestic works could guide foreign works, and there might be cases of dissatisfaction, but now it is obviously impossible to find anyone else. It is better than domestic teachers to guide.

"Lu Man, have you arrived at school today?" President Liu asked.

Lu Man directly switched the phone to speaker mode and everyone heard it. Then he said, "Yes, I came here early in the morning and finished the formalities. I followed a class in the afternoon and it was pretty good."

"All right?" President Liu asked again, "How are the other students studying there?"

"I want to tell you about the situation here," Lu Man said. "Before I came, the situation of our exchange group was not very good."

Lu Man told the principal about the experience of the exchange group before she came.

"Too much bullying!" Sure enough, President Liu was furious. "Hang up the phone first, and I called both of them. We said in a video together that it wouldn't be convenient for me to convey them. "

"OK." Lu Man hung up the phone. "Other students are by my side. Can we have a meeting together?"

"Of course." Principal Liu hung up.

(End of this chapter)

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