The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2290: Who he thought he was

Chapter 2290 Who He Thinks He Is

"Moreover, Lu Man won the contest with Howard alone, and we could not help without any help from any of us." Han Leilei said, "Today's class is to perform. An excerpt from a play by Shakespeare. Lu Man has just arrived today, and the task of this class was arranged a week ago, so Lu Man didn't know it. "

"Howard also realized this. He thought that Lu Man would not be able to memorize his lines, and he would be ugly on the stage. So very little people use this to try to win Lu Man. But he did not expect to lose." Leilei said.

"This is Lu Man's own win. Lu Man's rights are what he does. When Lu Man loses, will Wu Zilin kneel on the fan instead of Lu Man? No. Then Lu Man won, Wu Zilin Why replace Lu Man to apologize? "

Han Leilei said politely, "Who does he think he is!"

Wu Zilin's face blushed, and he bailed out, "Nothing happened. Why do you assume?"

"It depends on your character." Han Leilei sneered.

"What's wrong with my character? It's because of a little misunderstanding that all of you have teamed up against me! You just have fewer people relying on our Dongxi!" Wu Zilin angered.

"Don't make a noise!" Principal Liu interrupted them, and looked at Wu Zilin with a poor expression.

This Wu Zilin is capable!

In the presence of their four principals, they dare to challenge.

Really when they are all fools, can't see him?

How dare to directly stir up the relationship between the four schools.

It is said that there are few people in their Dong Opera, does it mean that most of the quota is occupied by their Guodian and Guodian?

I want to pull the headmaster of the Dongxi Opera to oppose them.

Moreover, as long as President Lu can be provoked and President Lu can stand by his side, he can be kept.

Although the method is a bit young, it is not enough to look at them.

But thinking of this trick in such a short time is really not a fuel-saving lamp.

No wonder other people did not hide him.

It is conceivable how he jumped in the team before.

Principal Zhang also lost his face, and felt so displeased with Wu Zilin's thoughts.

Their national opera also occupied three places.

Principal Zhang said coldly: "Lao Lu, we have discussed it before. No matter what this time, there is no competition between our four schools. In the past, it was because of the disagreement of the team. Schools, resulting in inability to fully develop their strength. "

"Even if it is fully played, it may not be able to win, let alone it cannot be fully played out." Principal Zhang said, "So this time, we must be united anyway, and the winning and losing of our respective schools will be set aside for the time being First work hard to complete the game. First of all, let them make a difference in our domestic performing arts industry, so that we can get due respect here, and then talk about the other. "

"Lao Zhang, you don't need to say anything, I know what you mean." Principal Lu Shengsheng said.

He paused and said, "Wu Zilin, we chose the wrong person."

"Principal!" Wu Zilin exclaimed.

Hearing what President Lu meant, could it be that he intended to give up on him!

"It's just that I don't have the same idea with them, it doesn't mean that I'm wrong. But when they raised it, I would no longer insist on it, and still focus on the unity of the team." Wu Zilin said immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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