The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2293: Is it so?

Chapter 2293 Is That Just Forgetting It?

If President Lu is for a Wu Zilin, which affects the team's performance, it is tantamount to offending the other three principals, and also offending Han Zhuoli.

This is okay if their team wins, even if there is an unpleasant character like Wu Zilin, but the end result is good, and Wu Zilin's affairs will not be pursued too much.

But once he loses, no matter what the reasons are, Wu Zilin will surely become the most important one.

They were to blame even for taking them to the opera.

So no matter how you think about it, Wu Zilin must go.

Wu Zilin has been forced to retreat. He hurried out and asked: "You can change people at will. Will the school agree? If this is the case, you can change individuals to listen to the class at any time. What is the selection of our exchange student team? What ’s the point of making direct substitutions? Everyone comes to a one-month class and everyone benefits. ”

"This doesn't require you to worry about it," said Principal Lu. "Also, there is only one week left. Even if we change people, we will not be able to listen to a few lessons. The other party will be considerate and will know that we have a last resort."

Principal Lu is still anxious to find a replacement, and said to the other three principals, "You speak first, I'll find someone first."

The other three principals' expressions were much better at this time, and they were obviously satisfied with the decision of President Lu.

"Don't forget that at any time, as long as the truth is on your side, you can't bow your head."


Everyone answered.

Wu Zilin couldn't listen anymore.

This group is just crowding him out!

He went straight back to his bedroom, slammed the door, and threw it hard.

Everyone was frightened by the sudden noise.

The three principals were across the screen, so the sound wasn't heard so loudly at the scene, but they all frowned.

"Don't worry about him, leave his affairs to Principal Lu." Principal Liu said, "You just heard Han Leilei said, can't you find a teacher to rehearse for you?"

Principal Zhang also asked, "They are so despicable! Will the teacher let you rehearse and let you lose?"

Anyway, in the past, I can still find a teacher to rehearse, regardless of whether the other party rehearsed or not, but it was not so excessive as this time.

"Some people didn't like us from the beginning, so rejection was expected, and some teachers did not have time," Lu Man explained.

"Then how many teachers do we send in?" Principal Liu suggested, "Although it may be because of cultural differences, soil and water dissatisfaction, but it is always better than your headless fly."

Lu Man thought about it and said, "I'll try to find someone first. If that doesn't work, you can ask the teacher to come over."

Principal Liu is capable of knowing Lu Man.

Since she could say so, she already had a certain degree of assurance, so she was not in a hurry.

"If there is anything else, contact us as soon as possible. Although we are far apart, but we can solve it for you, we try our best to do it." Principal Zhang said.

After finishing the video, Wu Zilin in the bedroom also called his father to sue.

Who knew that when Father Wu heard it, he said, "Since I want you to come back, you can come back. Don't make trouble there."

"Dad!" Wu Zilin was furious and puzzled. "You invested so much money in the school. When it turned out that it was crucial, he said I kicked me and then kicked me. Is that so?"

(End of this chapter)

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