The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2315: Startled

Chapter 2315: Shocked

"I don't know if he will regret what he did." Zhou Li sighed.

"He doesn't necessarily regret it," Sun Mengying said. "You don't think it's your fault when you listen to what he said just now. He also thinks that we are all targeting him, and we're flattering.

Not to mention, it really let Sun Mengying speak.

Wu Zilin now has such a mentality.

Everyone hurried to the door of the rehearsal room.

Originally, they negotiated to go directly to the school gate to pick up Robert and Hayer.

But they refused.

They were waiting in a row at the gate of the school, which was too noticeable.

The two wanted to come in low-key.

That's why they didn't pick it up at the school gate.

But although Robert and Hayer wanted to keep a low profile, they were really famous.

Perhaps for the average audience, most people know more about Hollywood superstars, and they are not familiar with Broadway stage actors. Few people can call Broadway famous actors by name.

But they are too well-known in such a professional learning performance place.

Placed here are great god-level figures.

Especially students who study acting, no one really doesn't know them.

The two talents stepped in the door, and it didn't take long before they were recognized.

"My God! Robert and Hayer!"

"Why are they both here?"

"Did our school invite them to class?"

"Oh my God! What class? Why don't I know? I want to sign up!"

"It's possible that it will be a public class and will not be permanent."

"I don't want to stay here, but I have the opportunity to have open classes! But why haven't I heard from the school? I'll check the mail to see if there are any omissions."

"I just watched it and the school didn't notify me. Maybe just come for an interview today?"

"Don't make a noise. When will someone need to talk about an open class? They are not here for an interview. Even if the invitation is available, they still need to be interviewed."

Everyone you guessed, I didn't guess the result.

"Mr. Brady, Mr. Hardison." A student had already called out.

Brady was Robert's last name, and Mr. Hadison was called Hayer.

"Are you coming to lecture?" Someone asked.

"It doesn't count." Robert didn't hide it. Anyway, he would know that he didn't think there was a need to hide it. "The two of us are here to guide the exchange students here to perform."


Everyone froze.

"Is that the team of exchange students from that four schools?" Someone asked.

"Yeah." Hayer nodded. "Let's rehearse for them."

The news of Robert and Hayer's appearance on the campus spread like wind throughout the Academy of Performing Arts.

Many students came here in fascination.

This includes the first echelon of their performance class, who will soon compete with exchange students.

Originally they were waiting to see Lu Man and others' good show.

No one guided them, their level was already poor, and the finished product on stage would not know what it would look like.

As a result, someone came to tell them, Robert and Hayer came to guide them?

"You're not mistaken!" Albertine couldn't stop his mouth.

"Maybe it was wrong? As soon as there were more people, the meaning was wrong." Julia said.

(End of this chapter)

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