The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2319: Why isn't this worrying?


But in the end, because of the joining of Robert and Hayer, they still caused some psychological burdens.

The school finally knew about it.

"Isn't the exchange team always looking for teachers from our school for guidance? Why did you go directly to Robert and Hayer this time?" This matter directly alarmed the principal and asked someone to ask.

The principal's secretary said in a dilemma: "I just went to ask. The students from the exchange group went to the teacher yesterday, but they were rejected. Probably because of this, they tried to find a way outside the school."

The principal pressed his temple with a few headaches. "Does n’t this mean that there are no teachers in our school willing to go? People are here to study and to compete. As a result, they need to learn, and when there is a competition, there is no teacher willing to teach. Then they come What else does it mean? "

"It must not be ridiculous to pass out of our school? We have welcomed exchange students, but we are trying to suppress them. Even the teachers who guide the performances of the competition do not cooperate. It seems that we cannot afford to lose."

The principal stood up angrily and paced around the desk.

The principal's secretary comforted: "They are so different from our students' strengths, we don't need to use this method to suppress them at all. Because we will not lose at all, even if they find the best teacher, they won't win us. The difference in strength between the two sides is really too big, and it is simply not that they can do anything with a short period of time. "

"I think everyone understands this and won't think that we deliberately suppressed it." The principal secretary said.

The headmaster said anxiously, "It is because of this that it is more troublesome. Everyone knows the strength gap between us and how they can't win us. Rao is so, we have to embarrass others like this, it seems that we are not polite."

"No manners and no confidence." The principal said, "It is clear that the gap in strength is so big that it will definitely win stably, but such a small family is as if we are afraid of their counterattack. It shows that we are not confident in our existing strength, and there is a small People mentality. "

"And the teachers in our school are not professional enough. I know that they are either afraid of the other party not willing to teach, or they are too ugly to lose, smashing their reputation and refusing to teach. In this way, the teachers in our school only Weak students who are willing to teach are not vulnerable. If they are not professional, who will come to our school in the future? "

The principal scratched his head irritably, "This one by one, why not be so worrying!"

The principal strode left and right, "The exchange students who came over from them hadn't had so much trouble before. How can it be so noisy this time!"

"Actually ..." The principal and secretary were a little hesitant.

"What is it?" The principal asked, turning his head.

"In fact, before Lu Man came, those exchange students were quite quiet," said the principal's secretary. "Before they were too weak, many students ridiculed them for their inability, but they were angry and angry, but they did not do it. What, honest. "

"And this is a matter between students, so we have no control," said the principal's secretary. "I know that their exchange students must be unconvinced, but there is nothing ugly in the end."

"It's just after Lu Man came." The principal and secretary felt tired and thought, how could this year's exchange students have such a thorn in the head. "

(End of this chapter)

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