The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2329: Give him no look

Chapter 2329: Give Him No Eyes

At this time more and more people have entered the field.

All the people who came in afterwards were all thunderous people all over the world.

There are top stars, there are top directors, there are top producers.

Oren also recognized Bowman, one of the top film stars.

And the owner of Oren's agency, Rowell.

I saw Bowman and Rowell coming together.

Where can Oren take care of the road at this time.

All eyes are on his future.

Preparing to meet, Bauman and Rowell walked straight up, as if to say hello.

Oren was surprised, but there was some self-knowledge in the end, he was considered good in school.

But once it's out in Hollywood, it's not enough.

These two are heavyweights, so they don't greet him specifically.

As his boss, Lowell must know him.

But Bowman is not necessarily.

Seeing Bowman and Rowell approaching each other, they came to him, and it was a wrong step, and stopped beside him.

The two didn't even give him a look, so they said hello to Han Zhuo Li and Han Zhuo Ling.

Bauman smiled and said, "Mr. Han, I heard that Han Bang is planning to make the second part of your fantasy movie universe recently."

"I have approved the plan," said Han Zhuoli. "Not only the second part, but also the third part has been put on the agenda. It is a different protagonist. I hope to be able to link with the protagonists of the first two parts."

Both Bowman and Rowell heard their eyes bright.

"I don't know the casting ..." Rowell asked.

The first part of the fantasy movie universe created by Han Bang established Cao Jingchen in the international front line.

International frontline!

How many domestic actors want to break into Hollywood but not.

No matter how many you go, you will come back, not to mention the first line and second line. You can get a foothold there, which is enough for you to play in the country for a long time.

Those domestic actors who have participated in Hollywood movies, even if they only show their faces, have a few lines, they can be blown to the sky by their own team.

Not to mention being able to rank in Hollywood.

No Asian actor has ever become a front line in Hollywood!

Originally Cao Jingchen could be regarded as a second-tier middle-lower position in the world.

Even so, Cao Jingchen has become the first person in China.

Before the release of Han Bang's fantasy movie universe, the first "Magic Warrior", many people were not optimistic about it.

Due to a variety of factors, including the production company, including many of the domestically produced films that fluttered here before, they were not bought.

Including special effects, plots, and quality of distrust movies.

Wait for a variety of reasons, before the release, the media was particularly harsh.

But after it was released, "Magic Warrior" became a dark horse, and the box office was not ideal on the first day.

Because of the collective demise of the previous media, the audience was not optimistic.

But there are also people who have a vomiting mentality and are ready to make a mockery after watching it.

Who knows after reading it, I feel ...

Really fragrant.

Began to praise.

Word of mouth is slowly spreading and word of mouth is getting better and better.

Many viewers, with curiosity, hugged and tried to see if they were really as good as they said.

It turned out that it was really pretty.

The plot is full. The rhythm is right.

The shooting methods and the use of the lens are both eye-catching.

Cao Jingchen, as the leading actor in this play, has jumped from the international second line to the first line.

(End of this chapter)

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