The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2333: Actually people are pretty good

Chapter 2333 Actually, People Are Not Bad

"Everyone is nervous," Sun Mengying said, "then I feel much better."

Zhou Li came over holding a cup of hot cocoa, "Would you like a cup of hot cocoa, drink a little sweet and relax."

"Good idea." Sun Mengying also went to make himself a cup of hot cocoa.

Zhou Li sat down opposite Sun Mengying's seat.

Their dormitory living room is actually more like a small activity room.

There are some table games on the coffee table.

There are sofas and cushions beside the coffee table.

Convenient for everyone to sit around the coffee table, there will be no situation.

Zhou Li was sitting on the cushion at this time, holding hot cocoa, "To be honest, I used to watch the news and listen to high school classmates and friends around me, and said that Xiaoying has always been dealing with Lu? Gossip, I think Xiaoying may not get along well. "

Zhou Li laughed: "I didn't expect the truth to get along, that's not the case at all. Many gossips are really unbelievable."

"What, she was really difficult to get along with. When Lu Man first entered school, she took the lead to crowd out Lu Man."

"..." Zhang Xiaoying was brought up with black history, Qi said, "Han Leilei, how old are you to expose my black history tonight? Can you be a good classmate?"

Han Leilei laughed, "Sorry, I couldn't help it, I couldn't help it. Mainly I was too nervous."

Han Leilei watched Zhou Li and Sun Mengying both held hot cocoa and felt very comfortable, and went to make a drink for themselves.

Lu Man simply burned a pot of hot water and brought it to the coffee table. He also brought cocoa powder.

If you want to drink, brew it directly, so as not to go there again.

Because of the race tomorrow, Lu Man did not return to the hotel, but stayed at the dormitory.

Convenient to prepare with teammates.

Anything that needs to be improved is convenient for everyone.

When Lu Man sat down, Zhang Xiaoying said to Han Leilei, "You are nervous, why are you always said to me?"

Han Leilei hurriedly begged for mercy. "Okay, okay, then I'll say it for another person."

Han Leilei also said to Zhou Li: "In fact, I also felt that Zhang Xiaoying was very difficult to get along with at first. And there were always a few people around her who were willing to make fun of her, around her and holding her."

Zhang Xiaoying: "..."

"But I have known each other for a long time, and I found out that although she is a little proud, she does things one by one, two by two. She does n’t engage in small movements, and everything comes positive. And if she loses, she will admit it. Win. You won't stigmatize you because you lose, you will stumble, and you can't even think of yourself. "

"Anyway, she has a real temper, so she's pretty good." Han Leilei said.

Zhang Xiaoying, at least will not overcast you behind.

This quality is hard to find no matter where it is, not to mention it seems to be an entertaining entertainment circle.

Although Zhang Xiaoying lost to Lu Man, he also carried through the words of "speaking by strength."

Zhang Xiaoying was pretty good just now, and now Han Leilei boasted a big red face.

"So, although she has a bad temper, you can rest assured that she will not play small moves behind her, whether you work with her, or compete with her, or become friends with her. You. "Han Leilei said.

"Don't talk about the entertainment industry. In any circle, there are girlfriends against each other. They grab your job, grab your boyfriend, and even your husband." Han Leilei said.

(End of this chapter)

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