The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2335: Just a 24 year old girl

Chapter 2335: Just A 24 Year Old Girl

"I'm not afraid of you hitting me. Anyway, domestically, we think we can win this time, because everyone is really optimistic about me. After all, I'm the one who led Guodian to win once." Lu Man said with a smile.

But although she said so, no one was angry.

Because everyone knows that Lu Man is actually trying to get rid of the pressure on their shoulders.

Guo Hai and other people from different schools with Lu Man, who haven't had much contact before, got along with Lu Man through this period of time and also got a certain understanding of Lu Man.

Knowing that Lu Man never showed off her achievements, she was a humble and low-key person.

But don't ask anyone for help.

Otherwise, the traditional virtue of humility, the Chinese nation, will be thrown away by the road, and I don't know which country to go to.

You do n’t say if she strangles you, if you lose to her, she can kill you with those records.

It is because I know her that I know that Lu Man is not showing off to them at this moment.

Even Zhang Xiaoying was not angry.

They knew that the road was unloading them.

"So ah." Lu Man smiled and took a sip of red wine. "If you lose, you will definitely put most of the responsibility on me. Say I didn't lead the team, I said I was proud and arrogant. , You can be complacent with a little achievement, maybe you won last time is just luck. "

"Don't pretend to be the boss if I don't have this ability." Lu Man said with a smile, "I want to know what they will say. So, what am I afraid of when I have a gunfire in front of me?"

"They don't understand at all, they talk nonsense," Wang Yanglin said helplessly, "they don't have the ability themselves, they can handle the keyboard."

Lu Man said with a smile: "I said this just to let you know, no matter what, the most intense artillery fire and I stand, don't be too nervous."

"Then we're too ridiculous. Where are some of our grandfathers, how can something go wrong and let your sister stand up front?" Wang Yanglin said.

"That's it," Xu Chuansheng said. "Even if we really lose, it's us all together."

"Don't say frustrated words." Sun Hezhou said, "We still have to adjust our mentality and play as usual, even if we lose, we have at least no regrets. If we pay too much attention and are too nervous, we ca n’t play well. Injustice. "

Like Howard that time, isn't it reconciling?

So everyone poured himself some wine again, and after a little sip, he went to sleep quickly.

Take a nap, relax and adjust your mindset.

Lu Man sighed when everyone was gone.

Although she was persuaded to take a rest, in fact she could not sleep.

Under pressure, afraid of not doing well.

Lu Man went to the balcony for a while, and received Han Zhuoli's video call.

"Why haven't you slept?" Han Zhuo Li saw that Lu Man picked up so quickly and asked.

"Do you think I'm asleep? Then you give me a video?" Lu Man laughed.

"Just to check if you go to bed early." Han Zhuoli's reason is very good. "Isn't it because I'm nervous and can't sleep?"

"A bit?" Lu Man said. "Everyone's expectations are too high. If they lose, too many people will be disappointed."

Han Zhuoli looked at the road on the screen, she was only a 24-year-old girl after all.

She has been under pressure for ages.

(End of this chapter)

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