The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2338: Not so shameless

Chapter 2338: Will Not Be Such Shame

Principal Liu felt the same way, and was about to speak, and there was another commotion.

Looking at the sound, I saw a crowd of people not far away.

No one could see it, because it was completely blocked.

But soon, they heard someone screaming, "Bulbott! It's Bulbott! He came!"

"What did he come for? Just to watch the game? Or to be a judge?"

This question is also curious to President Liu and others.

Principal Zhang frowned and said, "Their school shouldn't be so shameless! They know that Boerbot's holiday with Lu Man. If Boerbot really comes to be a judge, then Lu Man's team will not have any good results. "

Bourbot will not give any high scores.

It's not that he thinks of Bulbert, but it's true that Bulbert is not very broad-minded.

"If it's really Bourbet who comes to serve as a judge, we will protest together." Principal Lu said, "their school is really shameless."

Fortunately, Bourbet did not come to be a judge.

They saw Howard greet Bourbot and sit with him in the auditorium.

After a while, the four judges were escorted by bodyguards and sat on the judges' seat.

Seeing the judges from the school this time, the audience cheered!

Chamberlain is a famous international director.

"It's Chamberlain!" Dong Qinrong was shocked. "I didn't expect them to come to Chamberlain, it was really a big deal."

This is competing with Guodian.

Before your exchange meeting with Guodian, you found domestic directors, actors, and Robert and Hayer.

Do you think the jury lineup is strong?

This time we brought Chamberlain directly!

Who's better, isn't it clear at a glance?

Chamberlain, Hollywood's top director, international director.

In total, only five films have been made, but each has entered the world's top 100 box office films.

And the best thing is that the total box office of his five films is the world's first!

This is enough to illustrate the greatness of Chamberlain.

Followed by Chamberlain, it was Liner, the top Hollywood actor.

"I heard that he is now paid $ 60 million." Someone sighed.

Next to Rainer, actress Zoe.

The last one is the famous stage director Griez.

Grietz's name may not be so familiar to the audience, not as thunderous as the first three.

But for those who specialize in acting, it is nothing less than the existence of Chamberlain.

The audience in the stands all stood up and took pictures crazy.

Security can only keep order difficult.

After a while, Robert and Hayer also came.

Because it was Lu Man who got the ticket, Robert and Hayer sat with Gao Zishan, Dong Qinrong, and the Hans.

Han Zhuofeng sat next to Han Zhuoli.

Since then, Han Zhuo Li and Han Zhuo Ling have been busy working.

Han Zhuofeng himself was not idle, he did not travel with the old ladies.

It was a well-known director who was helped by Han Zhuoli to make a movie.

Han Zhuofeng followed along to learn.

Opportunities like this may not be available to many people for a lifetime.

As an old concubine of the Han family, Han Zhuofeng had such innate conditions.

In China, I can learn from domestic coaches. Now that I am here, I can continue to study with international coaches.

(End of this chapter)

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