The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2340: Count your acquaintance

Chapter 2340: Count You On

It can be seen that their team is indeed very strong.

Although it can't be described as amazing, it has a solid foundation.

The performance on the stage was steady, the rhythm was well controlled, and the performance was not confusing.

It's a spectacular show.

But the disadvantage is that the performance is too satisfactory.

"They performed so well, even if we played stably, at best they were tied." Xu Chuansheng said worriedly.

Guo Hai ’s mentality has been adjusted quite well. “It ’s pretty good to be tied. In fact, a tie is already the best I expected.”

As long as you lose, don't lose it too ugly.

"I'm afraid we can't even tie even." Sun Hezhou said Shen Sheng.

"Don't be so negative." Lu Man said, "I don't know if they are trying to learn from the second team's lessons, and they don't dare to show themselves too prominently. As a result, they have too much restraint and too much. , A little careful, so the highlights are not enough. "

"As long as they are not enough, we have a chance," Lu Man said.

Because of Lu Man's words and her so calmness, Sun Hezhou had a little more confidence.

They were able to perform in the background through screen stands.

Sure enough, waiting for a team to finish.

Liner was the first to comment first, and his views were the same as those of Lu Man.

The rest of the judges also felt that there was still a lot of room for the first team to rise, but they were generally qualified.

It is also because the judges are all top directors and actors, so the requirements are strict.

In their opinion, such a performance can only be regarded as qualified.

The judges had just finished their comments, and Lu Man was told to be ready to perform on stage.

Ten people went behind the scenes and waited, and after a while, they saw Oren and others step down.

When they were just on stage, they were very modest.

But as soon as I saw them, they smelled their faces.

"Whether these judges will judge! Even if we still have room for improvement, they are not as mediocre as they say." Albertine said with a pique of his lips.

"Our performances can only be regarded as quite satisfactory. Then, aren't the performances of those people in the exchange team all gone?" Jared sneered.

"I wanted to be more beautiful, who knows how the judges would judge it." Zach said.

"Just say a little bit. Beware of being judged by the judges outside. They are not impressed by us. They are not just anyone. They can affect our future." Ashley said.

She was not so kind and reminded of such things.

It's just that they are now a team.

If it is passed to the ears of the judges, they will not specifically distinguish who said something bad, but think that their entire team has a share.

Ashley is just afraid of getting hurt.

But other people listened to this and they didn't say it anymore.

I actually thought I looked at the man and other people.

These people will not spread their words.

However, Lu Man didn't even look at them. In this section, whoever has the mood to control what they say, it is important to perform his own play first.

But Lu Man's disregard does not mean that he will let go of a mentally handicapped person.

Albertine squinted and asked Lu Man and others, "You all heard us just now?"

In front of others, Lu Man said coldly, "We are too busy preparing to play, we can't even listen to what you say."

"Count on your acquaintance." Albertine glanced at them in disdain. "Even if you hear it, if you don't hear it, forget it for us immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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