The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2354: Lie down and hold your head

Chapter 2354: Get Down, Hold Your Head

Finally, it was Lu Man's turn to take the stage as the exchange student representative.

Lu Man stood behind the podium, adjusted the height of the microphone, and said, "Hello everyone, I am Lu Man. I am honored to be the representative of this exchange student, and come to the stage to make the final speech."


Lu Man was talking, and there was a sudden loud noise above his head.

Everyone, including Lu Man, heard the sound of the first reaction and looked up.

Han Zhuo Li always felt that it was not good. The voice was too strange and always felt dangerous.

He first stood up and rushed forward.

It was just in the middle and not very forward. There were people blocking on both sides, and he couldn't wait anymore.

When Lu Man looked up, he saw a large row of lights crackling and flashing above his head, which seemed to explode at any time.

"Long!" As soon as Han Zhuoli rushed out of a row of seats, he saw the lights on the stage blink rapidly, accompanied by a "cracking" sound, and Mars falling and annihilating in the air.

When Lu Man couldn't see right, he rushed down the stage.

Han Zhuoli also rushed to the stage.

But no matter it was Lu Man or Han Zhuo Li, the two responded quickly, but after all, they couldn't match the speed at which the lights dropped.

On the high ceiling, the rows of lights are connected together.

With the sound of blasting, the lines connecting them have actually been shaved by people.

Finally, the line was disconnected, and a long row of lights suddenly dropped from the high ceiling of the auditorium.

"Long!" Han Zhuoli's eyes were about to burst.

The person sitting at the front rushed to save the way.

Guo Hai and several other Lu Man teammates sat in the second row, and at this time they couldn't care less, and rushed over directly on the chairs in the first row.

Wang Yanglin was the fastest, but he was still a little bit short of being able to catch the road.

"Get down!" Wang Yanglin reminded.

If you can't run, you can only minimize the damage.

"Get down and hug your head!" Han Zhuo Li shouted.

For a moment, Lu Man's mind was really lost.

When you hear these two voices, you don't have time to think about it, so you do it subconsciously.

While she was protecting her head, a row of lights fell down and hit her **** the back of her head.

Immediately after, Han Zhuoli and Wang Yanglin rushed to the stage at the same time, and the two moved the row lights away together.

Fortunately, the two rushed fast, and the row of lights did not stay on Lu Man for much time.

Almost as soon as it fell, they were moved away by the two.

"Long!" Han Zhuoli was not sure where Lu Man was injured.

After all, a large row of lights fell down.

Therefore, Han Zhuoli did not dare to move casually.

"Long!" Han Zhuo Li cried.

But Lu Man didn't react at all.

It has passed out.

"Call an ambulance!" Han Zhuoli said immediately.

Wang Yanglin hurried to call.

Except for the second old age and slow legs, everyone in the Han family rushed over.

Xia Qingwei looked pale, clutching Wang Juhuai's arm tightly, and his body was shaking.

Han Zhuo paid attention to Lu Man, while Han Zhuo Ling called and immediately called someone to find out the cause of the accident.

The headmaster did not expect that such a big thing happened on the last day.

The exchange team has not always been happy here.

As a result, Lu Man was injured, and it was a fire.

One by one glared, as if this was intentional by the school.

The principal also had a headache, saying to Han Zhuo Ling and President Liu: "I will definitely investigate this matter."

6 more comprehensive ~

(End of this chapter)

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