The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2364: Find

Chapter 2364: Discovery

"Yes," Wang Juhuai said immediately.

Xia Qingwei also promised to be in the car.

So everyone, including Han Zhuo Ling, set off together.

The police have also received a "thorny" notice.

Although they were surprised, Wang Juhuai could find "thorny" help.

Being in the police world has always known that "thorny" will cooperate with departments responsible for various major cases, such as the severe case team.

As for these branches, there is no chance to cooperate with "thorny".

I didn't expect that this time because of Wang Juhuai's relationship, he could cooperate with "thorny".

None of them was displeased because Wang Juhuai was looking for "thorny" help.

Each one is looking forward to working with "thorny".

Based on where the "thorns" were sent.

The police set off immediately.

The "thorny" Yiwei, as well as the frontiers, came first.

Afraid to hit the grass and frighten the snake, the side passers and Wang Juhuai and others parked their cars far away.

The second guard quietly sneaked in and surrounded the villa.

At this point, Wang Juhuai determined that it was really not his parents.

Because of this property, his parents couldn't afford it.

His parents don't have enough money on hand to buy a property here.

Therefore, Wang Juhuai was relieved.

If it was really his parents who made it, he really didn't face Xia Qingwei.

Fortunately, fortunately not.

However, if it is not Wang Taihong and Lu Wenqing, then there is only one candidate left.

Lin Jinshu!

He had been divorced from Lin Jinshu for so long. He hadn't known how many industries under Lin Jinshu's name, and whether it was Lin Jinshu's industry.

But Wang Juhuai felt that nine out of ten of them belonged to Lin Jinshu.

The people of Otsu have quietly surrounded the villa.

They hid among the trees, only the wind blowing through the trees, the rustling sound of the rising leaves and grass.

The E Wei who was hiding in it seemed to have never existed.

Even if Wang Juhuai saw them hiding in person, he couldn't find a figure of Yiwei now.

The other two defenders occupy two commanding heights.

After a while, the walkie-talkie on the side said: "Jin Lin was found in the villa, but no baby was found."

Xia Qing didn't even mention it.

Lin Jinshu will not hide Yi Jun away!

If she is arrested, never want to find Yijun.

Lin Jinshu would not be holding such an idea!

Immediately afterwards, I saw two other E Weis slowly walking out of the grass, moving looming between the grass and trees.

Wang Juhuai was in an RV with a lot of professional equipment in it.

Krum and Allison, as well as the bystanders, were sitting in front of the device.

Krum and Allison each operate a computer, and Allison is responsible for a 360-degree view outside the villa.

Krum is responsible for the interior of the villa.

When Jiajia provided the situation outside the villa for the two defenders, when they approached the villa.

Krum has quickly hacked all the surveillance equipment in the villa.

The monitoring equipment in the villa is as simple as a kindergarten toy for Krum.

As a top hacker, Krum can invade even the world's strictest security equipment, let alone a pediatric thing in the villa.

Wang Juhuai saw that in just a few seconds, the screen in front of Krum had a picture of the interior of the villa.

Then, Krum controlled a small flight monitor and watched the size of a ping-pong ball, moving carefully to the villa.

The Internet was disconnected at home at midnight yesterday. I didn't come online until 8 o'clock this morning. I called China Unicom and said that I did n’t understand what upgrades and gadgets ... Anyway, the net came at 8:30. Yesterday The mobile phone crawled to the comments and told everyone that the Internet could not be updated. It seems that many people have not seen it ...

(End of this chapter)

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