The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2369: alert

Chapter 2369 Alert

"Otherwise, it wouldn't be good for her to look so tired when she wakes up."

Xia Qing sighed and said, "You still say us, aren't you? You haven't looked in the mirror these days, and you don't know how you look."

"I will pack myself when she wakes up." Han Zhuo said bitterly.

Xia Qingwei also couldn't figure it out. He was slightly injured, but he couldn't wake up.

However, looking at Han Zhuoli's appearance, it seems that he wants to stay with the road alone for a while.

Xia Qingwei also wanted to stay and accompany him, but also knew that Lu Man was not directly her.

"Okay, then we will come back tomorrow." Xia Qingwei said.

Xia Qing did not leave with Wang Juhuai, returned to the hotel, and the Han people went to see them again.

These two days are really incredible, except for a lot of things.

How come all together.

When Wang Juhuai and Xia Qing didn't go with the frontiers to rescue Xiao Yijun, the Han people were at the hospital with Han Zhuoli.

Looking at the road, also waiting for Xiao Yijun.

After Xiao Yijun was rescued, they went back to the hotel to see Xiao Yijun's condition.


Wang Yunyun didn't know that Lin Jinshu had been arrested.

She doesn't know much about Lin Jinshu's situation now, and has always wanted to know the latest developments over Lin Jinshu.

So he called Lin Jinshu.

But now, when Lin Jinshu was arrested, his mobile phone had fallen into the hands of the police.

The mobile phone was not turned off, because Lin Tao said that Lin Jinshu might still have associates.

The frontier did not immediately say Wang Yunyun.

Because now they are just skeptical, and there is no evidence of missing.

The intelligence department is still investigating.

But mentioning the police can make them pay more attention.

Once Wang Yunyun contacts Lin Jinshu, the police will not miss it.

Sure enough, when Lin Jinshu's cell phone rang, the police immediately took it out.

The policeman answered the phone and heard a string of Chinese: "Auntie, how is your situation there?"

The policeman naturally did not understand Chinese and frowned.

Now neither Wang Juhuai, Xia Qingwei, nor the frontiers are here.

No one can understand what Lin Jinshu said.

The policeman thought about it and said, "Who are you?"

Wang Yanyun heard the man's voice, and was more alert, "Who are you?"

The police looked at Lin Jinshu and said, "Ms. Lin is not convenient to answer the phone right now. If you have any questions, you can tell me. I will relay it."

"No need, since she is inconvenient to answer the phone now, then I will call again later." Wang Yanyun said hastily and hung up the phone.

Holding her cell phone, her eyelids kept jumping, and she felt that something was wrong with Lin Jinshu.

After all, they are planning such a big thing, Lin Jinshu will not fake others' hands.

And that cell phone is Lin Jinshu's personal cell phone, let alone give it to others for no reason, let others pass on their behalf.

She and Lin Jinshu planned early, letting things go wrong first, and when the Han family was in a mess and had no time for him to take care of them, then Wang Juhuai and Xia Qingwei were settled.

When Wang Juhuai and Xia Qing were not divorced, Lu Man would be useless even if he was fine.

Wang Juhuai and Xia Qing have divorced before long.

The two had not been together before, so they still thought about each other, and had regrets in their hearts.

But this time the divorce, there must be a gap in their hearts, but don't even think about recombination so easily.

Even when they were in a mess and couldn't react, she and Lin Jinshu disintegrated them step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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