The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2373: It must be you, and it can only be you

Chapter 2373 Must Be You, And Only You

Obviously she was quietly in front of herself, but he just couldn't feel her existence.

"Long, are you still there?" Han Zhuoli whispered.

He trembled and asked in fear: "You ... didn't you go back?"

"You said you were born again, I was always scared. I was afraid I do n’t know when you are going to go back, and you are no longer here." Han Zhuo held Lu Man's hand tightly, as if she was afraid of disappearing from her eyes .

"Every day I worry, I don't know which day you will suddenly disappear, just like you suddenly appeared in front of me, and then suddenly disappeared from me."

"This time you were knocked into a coma, I kept mentioning my heart for fear of something wrong. But I told myself, don't scare yourself. You were fine before, and you stood on the stage the moment before." Han Zhuoli's eyes Flushed.

There was more bloodshot than in the morning, and I was about to fill my eyes.

"The doctor said that you were okay, but the injury was not serious. I was relieved." Han Zhuoli stuck Lu Man's finger on his forehead, "but you haven't woke up for three days. Obviously minor injuries, why don't you wake up for so long? "

"Even if I still tell myself now, don't scare yourself, there is nothing you can do. Long, you tell me, are you still there? You tell me! Wake up, woke up, okay? Don't scare me like this."

He couldn't help wondering if Lu Man could return, could he also return?

Is she going back now?

"Long, don't leave me alone." Han Zhuo trembled.

His voice was very low, but he shivered a lot.

Tears fell from the bloodshot red eyes.

"We haven't got a wedding, we don't have any children yet. I want to go old with you. I want to see you have white hair, yelling to dye your hair. I want to see you look old and full of white hair. Think When I get old, I will hang out with you hand in hand in the park. "

"Long, you woke up quickly. Without you, what do you want me to do?" Han Zhuo took a deep breath and trembled in breathing. "Without you, I will grow old alone, and I will never be here again. Not individuals, but also soulless, like walking dead. "

"Long, do you have the heart to look at me like this? Do you have the heart to feel so?"

"That time you told me about your rebirth, remember you asked me if I was married in the last life, who did you marry?" Han Zhuo Li sucked his nose, "I remember I said at the time, I do n’t remember the last life Things, so I do n’t know if I got married or not. If you get married, who did you get married? "

Han Zhuo Li rubbed Lu Man's hand, wondering if it was an illusion. He felt Lu Man's hand was a bit cold.

"But now I can tell you with certainty that I have never been married or married." Han Zhuoli said, "because those people are not you. If it weren't you, I wouldn't marry. Regardless of the previous life or this life Or in my next life, I must be married to you, and only you. "

"Long, you always say that I can solve everything for you, and I'm not afraid of anything when I'm here." Han Zhuoli smiled tearfully, "But now, if you're unconscious, I can't solve it."

"Looking at you in a coma here, I can do nothing. For the rest of my life, I will be nothing without you."

(End of this chapter)

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