The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2377: I want to go home

Chapter 2377 I Want To Go Home

He Zhengbai didn't expect that the closet standing upright suddenly smashed at himself.

But it's too late to say anything.

The closet slammed into He Zhengbai's back severely, pressing him directly into the fire.

"Ah!" He Zhengbai was the worst, and his entire face fell directly into firepower.

His back was still pressed against the closet, and for a while he couldn't get out of it just trying to crawl.

The fire was burning his face, and his pain was distorted.

The whole man was convulsing constantly.

The skin on his face was quickly burnt to the naked eye.

The fire light reddened Lu Man's face. In the last fire, she shouted sternly: "You must not die!"

In the end, all three were buried in the sea of ​​fire.

The raging flames cannot hurt the road.

She stood in the flames and saw herself, He Zhengbai, and Lu Qi, all three of them becoming scorched.

The road looked around blankly, and in the house where the fire was burning, there was an uncomfortable feeling in his heart.

This is the place where she lives with Xia Qingwei in her last life.

Different from the afterlife.

Xia Qing did not live well in the afterlife, and his life was complete.

So even if they sold the house, they did not feel bad.

But here, Xia Qingwei is gone.

This old house became the only place to remember.

But now, it's all burned.

Not at all.

Here she has no family and nothing.

"I want to go back." Lu Man walked through the fire and reached the balcony.

The fire had already reached the balcony.

Lu Man stood in the fire and looked up at the sky. "I want to go home! I want to go back!"

She missed home, Xia Qingwei, and Han Zhuo Li.

"They are still waiting for me and send me back!" Lu Man shouted into the sky.

A fire truck came downstairs to extinguish the fire.

Lu Man flew out, stayed in the air, and watched the water column extinguish the fire. The rest of the house was black and nothing was left.

She wanted to go back, to the happy world of her family.

"I'm going back! Why did I come back here, let me go back, let me go back!" Lu Man shouted.

But there was no response.

Tears fell, and she fell to the ground blankly.

It's still a familiar place, it's a familiar time.

Everything is familiar to her.

Traffic, shopping, and shops on both sides of the road have not changed.

But it was so strange to her.

Because people are different.

Here, Xia Qingwei is no longer there, and Han Zhuoli does not know her at all.

None of the family and friends she originally had here.

She was at a loss as to where to go.

No one could see her.

Lu Man stood there for a long time and set off for Han Bang.

She did not go to Xia Qingwei's tombstone, because in another world, her mother was not dead, and she was fine.

Therefore, she should not look at Xia Qingwei's tombstone.

Lu Man came to Han Bang, no one saw her, and no one stopped her.

She walked into Han Zhuoli's office lightly.

See Han Zhuoli is looking at the file.

Lu Man walked to Han Zhuoli's face, his left ring finger was vacant and he was not wearing a ring.

Until now, he has not been married.

Lu slowly stretched out her hand, knowing that her hand could not actually touch Han Zhuoli, but carefully maintained it as if it was right next to his face.

Han Zhuoli originally looked down at the document, but in the second when Lu Man reached out and posted it, he suddenly looked up and looked straight.

The sixth is about 1 o'clock ~

(End of this chapter)

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